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Thursday, March 20, 2008
Nobody looking at the patterns in peacock feathers can avoid being amazed at their beauty. One of the latest pieces of research by scientists has revealed that there is an astonishing design at the basis of these patterns.
Chinese scientists have discovered a delicate mechanism of tiny hairs in peacock feathers filtering and reflecting different wavelengths of light. According to a study performed by Fudan University physicist Jian Zi and colleagues, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the feathers' bright colors are produced not by pigments, but by tiny, two-dimensional crystal-like structures. (1)
Zi and his colleagues used powerful electron microscopes to reveal the basis of the colors in the feathers. They examined the barbules of the male green peacock (Pavo rnuticus), in other words the even smaller micro hairs that come off of barbs emerging from the central stem of the feather. Under the microscope, they encountered the lattice design in the black-and-white picture to the right. This consisted of rods made of melanin, a protein, bound together with keratin, another protein. The researchers observed that these two-dimensional structures, each with a width hundreds of times thinner than a human hair, were arranged one behind the other on the micro hairs. Using additional optical examinations and calculations, the scientists examined the spaces between the crystals and their effects. As a result, it was revealed that the dimensions and shapes of these spaces in the lattice led to light being reflected at slightly different angles and thus to a variation in color.
"The male peacock tail contains spectacular beauty because of the brilliant, iridescent, diversified, colorful eye patterns," said Zi, who continued, "when I watched the eye pattern against the sunshine, I was amazed by the stunning beauty of the feathers." (2) Zi stated that until their study, the exact physical mechanism producing the colors in peacock feathers had not been known, and that although the mechanisms they had revealed were simple, they were absolutely ingenious.
Obviously, there is a very specially regulated design in peacock feather patterns. The tiny lattices and spaces between them are of the greatest importance in this design. The adjustment between the spaces is particularly striking. Were these not so arranged as to reflect light at slightly different angles to one another, then this variation in color would not take place.
The greater part of the color in the peacock feather is based upon structural coloration. There is no pigment in those parts of the feather that exhibit structural coloration, and colors reminiscent of those on the surface of a soap bubble are able to emerge. The color of human hair comes from pigment, and no matter how much care a person may take of his or her hair, it is never as shiny and beautiful as a peacock feather.
It has also been stated that this intelligent design in the peacock can be a source of inspiration in industrial design. Andrew Parker, a zoologist and coloration expert at the University of Oxford, who interpreted Zi's findings says that discovering so-called photonic crystals in peacock feathers could allow scientists to adapt the structures for industrial and commercial applications. These crystals could be used to channel light in telecommunications equipment, or to create new tiny computer chips. (3)
It is clear that the peacock has marvelous patterns and a special design, and that thanks to the imitation of this mechanism, maybe in the near future, we shall see objects and accessories covered in the brightest of coatings. Yet how did such a gorgeous, intelligent and inspirational design first emerge? Could the peacock know that the colors in its feathers depended on crystals and the spaces between them? Could the feather have itself brought the feathers on its body into being and later have decided to add a coloring mechanism to them?
Could it then have arranged that mechanism in such a way as to produce those stunning designs? Of course, not.
For example, if we were to encounter marvelous patterns made out of colored stones as we walked beside the edge of a river, and if we also saw that there were eye-like designs arranged like a fan, then we would think that these had been laid out in a conscious manner, and not that they had appeared by chance. It would be evident that these patterns, reflecting an artistic perspective and addressing human aesthetic tastes, had been made by an artist. The same thing applies to peacock feathers. In the same way that pictures and designs reveal the existence of the artists who produced them, the patterns in the peacock feather reveal the existence of the Creator Who made them. There can be no doubt but that it is God Who brought together and arranged the crystal-like structures in the peacock feather and produced such marvelous patterns from them. God reveals His flawless creation in a verse from the Qur'an:
He is God - the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and Earth glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Qur'an, 59:24)
From: harun Yahya
Saturday, March 15, 2008
MY window xp fail to update recently. Before that i have reinstall th windows to my laptop. After that updates always fail. I try to search at microsoft forum about how to fix the problem. And i found 1. Its quite hard to find, so i want to share the info here.
Here it is
Updates are not installed successfully from Windows Update, from Microsoft Update, or by using Automatic Updates after you repair a Windows XP installation
Article ID | : | 943144 |
Last Review | : | October 26, 2007 |
Revision | : | 2.3 |
On This Page
You experience this problem if the following conditions are both true:
• | You try to update a computer that is running Windows XP. |
• | You have repaired the Windows XP installation by using the Windows XP CD. |
• | It replaces all the Windows system files with the corresponding files from the CD. Note This includes the Windows Update files. |
• | It restores the Windows registry. |
• | The Wups2.dll file remains on the computer. |
• | The registry entries that correspond to this file are missing. |
Method 1: Register the Wups2.dll file in Windows
To register the Wups2.dll file in Windows, follow these steps:1. | Stop the Automatic Updates service. To do this, follow these steps:
| ||||
2. | Register the Wups2.dll file. To do this, follow these steps:
| ||||
3. | Start the Automatic Updates service. To do this, type the following command at the command prompt, and then press ENTER: net start wuauserv | ||||
4. | Exit the command prompt. To do this type exit, and then press ENTER. |
Method 2: Download and install the Windows Update Agent
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:1. | Download the appropriate version of the Windows Update Agent to a known location. To do this, visit one of the following Web sites. AgentWindows, x86-based systems ( Windows, x64-based systems ( Windows, Itanium-based systems ( |
2. | Click Start, click Run, click Browse, locate the file that you saved in step 1, and then click Open. |
3. | Add the /wuforce switch to the end of the run command, and then click OK. For example, the run command may appear as the following: C:\WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe /wuforce |
4. | Click Run. |
5. | Follow the steps to complete the wizard. |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell.
What are the unique properties of all stem cells?
Stem cells differ from other kinds of cells in the body. All stem cells—regardless of their source—have three general properties: they are capable of dividing and renewing themselves for long periods; they are unspecialized; and they can give rise to specialized cell types.
Scientists are trying to understand two fundamental properties of stem cells that relate to their long-term self-renewal:
- why can embryonic stem cells proliferate for a year or more in the laboratory without differentiating, but most adult stem cells cannot; and
- what are the factors in living organisms that normally regulate stem cell proliferation and self-renewal?
Discovering the answers to these questions may make it possible to understand how cell proliferation is regulated during normal embryonic development or during the abnormal cell division that leads to cancer. Importantly, such information would enable scientists to grow embryonic and adult stem cells more efficiently in the laboratory.
Stem cells are unspecialized. One of the fundamental properties of a stem cell is that it does not have any tissue-specific structures that allow it to perform specialized functions. A stem cell cannot work with its neighbors to pump blood through the body (like a heart muscle cell); it cannot carry molecules of oxygen through the bloodstream (like a red blood cell); and it cannot fire electrochemical signals to other cells that allow the body to move or speak (like a nerve cell). However, unspecialized stem cells can give rise to specialized cells, including heart muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells.
Stem cells are capable of dividing and renewing themselves for long periods. Unlike muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells—which do not normally replicate themselves—stem cells may replicate many times. When cells replicate themselves many times over it is called proliferation. A starting population of stem cells that proliferates for many months in the laboratory can yield millions of cells. If the resulting cells continue to be unspecialized, like the parent stem cells, the cells are said to be capable of long-term self-renewal.
The specific factors and conditions that allow stem cells to remain unspecialized are of great interest to scientists. It has taken scientists many years of trial and error to learn to grow stem cells in the laboratory without them spontaneously differentiating into specific cell types. For example, it took 20 years to learn how to grow human embryonic stem cells in the laboratory following the development of conditions for growing mouse stem cells. Therefore, an important area of research is understanding the signals in a mature organism that cause a stem cell population to proliferate and remain unspecialized until the cells are needed for repair of a specific tissue. Such information is critical for scientists to be able to grow large numbers of unspecialized stem cells in the laboratory for further experimentation.
Stem cells can give rise to specialized cells. When unspecialized stem cells give rise to specialized cells, the process is called differentiation. Scientists are just beginning to understand the signals inside and outside cells that trigger stem cell differentiation. The internal signals are controlled by a cell's genes, which are interspersed across long strands of DNA, and carry coded instructions for all the structures and functions of a cell. The external signals for cell differentiation include chemicals secreted by other cells, physical contact with neighboring cells, and certain molecules in the microenvironment.
Therefore, many questions about stem cell differentiation remain. For example, are the internal and external signals for cell differentiation similar for all kinds of stem cells? Can specific sets of signals be identified that promote differentiation into specific cell types? Addressing these questions is critical because the answers may lead scientists to find new ways of controlling stem cell differentiation in the laboratory, thereby growing cells or tissues that can be used for specific purposes including cell-based therapies.
Adult stem cells typically generate the cell types of the tissue in which they reside. A blood-forming adult stem cell in the bone marrow, for example, normally gives rise to the many types of blood cells such as red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Until recently, it had been thought that a blood-forming cell in the bone marrow—which is called a hematopoietic stem cell—could not give rise to the cells of a very different tissue, such as nerve cells in the brain. However, a number of experiments over the last several years have raised the possibility that stem cells from one tissue may be able to give rise to cell types of a completely different tissue, a phenomenon known as plasticity. Examples of such plasticity include blood cells becoming neurons, liver cells that can be made to produce insulin, and hematopoietic stem cells that can develop into heart muscle. Therefore, exploring the possibility of using adult stem cells for cell-based therapies has become a very active area of investigation by researchers.
The Promise of Stem Cells
Studying stem cells will help us understand how they transform into the dazzling array of specialized cells that make us what we are. Some of the most serious medical conditions, such as cancer and birth defects, are due to problems that occur somewhere in this process. A better understanding of normal cell development will allow us to understand and perhaps correct the errors that cause these medical conditions.
Another potential application of stem cells is making cells and tissues for medical therapies. Today, donated organs and tissues are often used to replace those that are diseased or destroyed. Unfortunately, the number of people needing a transplant far exceeds the number of organs available for transplantation. Pluripotent stem cells offer the possibility of a renewable source of replacement cells and tissues to treat a myriad of diseases, conditions, and disabilities including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Have human embryonic stem cells successfully treated any human diseases?
Scientists have been able to do experiments with human embryonic stem cells (hESC) only since 1998, when a group led by Dr. James Thomson at the University of Wisconsin developed a technique to isolate and grow the cells. Moreover, Federal funds to support hESC research have been available since only August 9, 2001, when President Bush announced his decision on Federal funding for hESC research. Because many academic researchers rely on Federal funds to support their laboratories, they are just beginning to learn how to grow and use the cells. Thus, although hESC are thought to offer potential cures and therapies for many devastating diseases, research using them is still in its early stages.
Adult stem cells, such as blood-forming stem cells in bone marrow (called hematopoietic stem cells, or HSCs), are currently the only type of stem cell commonly used to treat human diseases. Doctors have been transferring HSCs in bone marrow transplants for over 40 years. More advanced techniques of collecting, or "harvesting," HSCs are now used in order to treat leukemia, lymphoma and several inherited blood disorders.
The clinical potential of adult stem cells has also been demonstrated in the treatment of other human diseases that include diabetes and advanced kidney cancer. However, these newer uses have involved studies with a very limited number of patients.
Participating in Research Studies
Scientists are testing the abilities of adult stem cells to treat certain diseases. You can search for clinical trials using stem cells (or other methods) to treat a specific disease at
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
And on the Day when He shall gather (resurrect) them together, (it will be) as if they had not stayed (in the life of this world and graves) but an hour of a day. They will recognise each other. Ruined indeed will be those who denied the meeting with Allâh, and were not guided. (45)
(56) Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya telah datang kepada kamu Al-Quran yang menjadi nasihat pengajaran dari Tuhan kamu dan yang menjadi penawar bagi penyakit-penyakit batin yang ada di dalam dada kamu dan juga menjadi hidayat petunjuk untuk keselamatan, serta membawa rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman.(57)
O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord (i.e. the Qur'an, enjoining all that is good and forbidding all that is evil), and a healing for that (disease of ignorance, doubt, hypocrisy and differences,) Which is in your breasts, - a guidance and a mercy (explaining lawful and unlawful things) for the believers. (57)
Surah Yunus.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Enough of PAS, says Khairy
Posted By rajlira On 14th February 2008 @ 10:00 In Nation
BN youth has urged Kelantan youths to reject PAS and vote for BN in the upcoming general election
KUALA LUMPUR: Barisan Nasional (BN) youth has urged Kelantan youths to reject PAS, the opposition party which has ruled the state for the past 18 years, and make changes by voting for BN in the upcoming general election.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Posted by Raja Petra | |
Sunday, 09 March 2008 | |
SESUDAH pengundi Malaysia membuat kata putus dengan memberi kejutan voltan tinggi kepada Barisan Nasional adalah tidak tetap dan tidak wajar lagi bagi sesiapa pun berselindung-selindung dan teragak-agak. Realitinya BN kehilangan banyak kerusi Parlimen, terlepas kawalan ke atas Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Selangor dan Perak serta ketewasan beberapa tokoh berprofil tingginya, termasuk tiga orang menteri. Misalnya: |
Kenapa BN Mahu Sangat Rampas Kelantan
Posted by Raja Petra
Saturday, 08 March 2008
Di perairan Kelantan terdapat simpanan GAS ASLI sebanyak 13 trillion kaki persegi yang sudah sedia untuk diterokai. (13,000,000,000,000).
Ia cukup untuk 7 generasi rakyat Kelantan. (lebih kurang 500 tahun lamanya). Ianya terletak di Blok-Blok berikut:
* Blok A18
* Blok B17 & C19
* PM3
* Sub-Blok Ular
* PM301 & PM302
* PM303
* PM311 & 312
Rakyat Kelantan menerusi kerajaan pimpinan Tuan Guru menuntuk hak Pendaratan GAS ASLI itu di buat di pantai Kelantan dan menuntut royalti GAS ASLI yang menjadi hasil bumi rakyat Kelantan di bayar kepada Rakyat Kelantan.
Petronas mengesahkan bahawa operasi GAS ASLI di BLOK A 18 sudah bermula menerusi Syarikat Carigali HESS.
Jarak lokasi BlokA18 dari beberapa bandar utama
* Petronas memegang 50% saham di dalam syarikat tersebut menerusi Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd dan 50% lagi dipegang oleh Aremada Hess Inc.
* Sekarang ini, operasinya mengeluarkan 6,000 tong GAS ASLI sehari.
* Jarak Blok A18 adalah lebih dekat ke Kota Bharu daripada di hantar ke Kerteh dan Songkla. [lihat peta di atas]
* Kerajaan BN bagaimanapun memilih pendaratan GAS ASLI itu dibuat di Songkla walaupun kosnya lebih tinggi akibat jarak yang jauh itu.
Dalam usaha mempertahankan hak rakyat Kelantan dan memperkasakan hasil bumi Kelantan untuk rakyat Kelantan, Kerajaan Kelantan pimpinan PAS telah meluluskan pembinaan Terminal Pendaratan Gas Asli dan juga Supply Base untuk Petroleum.
Menerusi penerokaan GAS ASLI di Blok A 18, setiap hari, Petronas sepatutnya membayar rakyat Kelantan royalti yang bernilai RM512,000.00 (RM512 ribu) sehari dan ini bererti Kerajaan Kelantan seharusnya mendapat pendapatan tambahan dari royalti GAS ASLI yang bernilai RM186,880,000 (RM186 juta) setahun.
* Menerusi hasil terbaharu ini, PAS Kelantan sudah berjanji untuk memberi subsidi gas memasak sebanyak RM3.00 se tong bagi rakyat Kelantan.
* PAS Kelantan juga akan menggunakan hasil pendapatan baru itu untuk tujuan kebajikan dan mempertingkatkan taraf hidup rakyat Kelantan serta membasmi kemiskinan.
* Blok A 18 Fasa 2 pada tahun 2010
* Blok B 17 dan C 19 – Operasi bermula suku ke tiga 2009.
* Blok PM301 dan PM302 – Operasi bermula 2011 dan 2012
* Blok PM3 – Operasi bermula suku ke tiga 2008
Sebab itulah BN berusaha sangat merampas semula Kelantan kerana tidak mahu royalti GAS ASLI ini digunakan oleh Kerajaan PAS membangunkan Kelantan sehingga mengakibatkan Kelantan semakin pesat membangun dan membuat mustahil bagi BN untuk merampas Kelantan semula.
Apabila semua telaga-telaga GAS ASLI [lihat peta di bawah untuk mengetahui kawasan simpanan minyak di perairan Kelantan] ini beroperasi Royalti GAS ASLI yang akan diterima rakyat Kelantan ialah bernilai RM1,000,000,000 (RM1 Billion).
Abdullah Badawi bagai telur di hujung tanduk, impian Khairy jadi PM berkecai
Sun | Mar 09, 08 | 5:11:01 pm MYT
KEDUDUKAN Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia 'bagaikan telur di hujung tanduk' akibat kekalahan teruk Barisan Nasional dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke 12 semalam.
Pada saat ini khabarnya Abdullah menerima desakan yang paling hebat untuk beliau meletakkan jawatan sebagai PM dan Presiden Umno selepas BN kehilangan majoriti di Parlimen serta tewas mengejut di Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak dan Selangor.
Tiada lagi keangkuhan dan tidak lagi mendabik dada. Kali ini pemimpin Umno/BN senyap sepi enggan menemui wartawan untuk memberikan komen.
Ibu pejabat BN di PWTC semalam begitu muram. Abdullah dan lain-lain pemimpin BN dilaporkan 'menguncikan diri' di dalam bilik mesyuarat.
Tidak ada live telecast seperti biasa dari PWTC. Yang ada cuma paparan celoteh penganalisis politik yang terkejut dengan kebangkitan rakyat menolak BN.
Daripada 222 kerusi Parlimen, BN hanya memperolehi 137 kerusi sahaja. PRU ke 12 mencatat rekod paling buruk apabila BN kehilangan dua pertiga majoriti, pertama kali selepas lebih 50 tahun berkuasa.
Walaupun BN sudah menang simple majority, kerajaan baru masih belum dibentuk kerana ramai pemimpin utama BN tewas mengejut.
Mana dia slogan 'Selamat, Aman dan Makmur'? Mana dia slogan Islam Hadhari? Mana dia janji pembangunan koridor ekonomi? Mana dia WPI?
Semuanya ditolak rakyat dari kalangan Melayu, Cina dan India.
Khairy adalah burden besar bagi BN
Serentak dengan gesaan supaya Abdullah meletakkan jawatan oleh bekas PM, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, pemimpin-pemimpin Umno seluruh negara mula menuding jari terhadap menantunya Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar.
Rata-rata ahli Umno menganggap failure BN khususnya Umno kali ini berpunca daripada campur tangan berleluasa Khairy sebagai menantu PM dalam parti dan kerajaan.
Kesilapan besar Abdullah antaranya walaupun beliau mempunyai anggota Majlis Tertinggi Umno dan Kabinet sebagai penasihat utamanya, namun beliau tidak mengambil pandangan mereka kerana dilaporkan beliau pernah berkata I trust the young one.
Khairy, Kamaluddin Abdullah dan rakan-rakan mereka seperti Kamal Khalid, Kalimullah Masheerul Hassan serta beberapa yang lain didakwa orang-orang Umno sebagai punca kepada kelemahan kepimpinan Abdullah.
Masalah yang paling besar didakwa orang-orang Umno ialah campur tangan Khairy meletakkan orang-orangnya dalam senarai calon BN sehingga mengetepikan ramai incumbent.
Akibat daripada campur tangan ini, orang-orang Umno memboikot calon BN, jentera pilihan raya tidak digerakkan dan mereka enggan keluar mengundi calon pilihan Khairy.
PRU kali ini menyaksikan jentera Umno/BN benar-benar tidak bergerak, kaku dan mandom dalam menghadapi kempen PAS, KeADILan dan DAP.
Keangkuhan Khairy dan juak-juaknya ketika berkempen mengecam PAS untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan pimpinan Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Aziz Nik Mat, dibalas dengan kekalahan yang memalukan.
Ternyata rakyat tidak menerima slogan 'Pade Doh 18 Tahun PAS' (di Kelantan) sebaliknya rakyat membalasnya dengan 'Pade Doh 50 Tahun BN' memerintah Malaysia.
Khairy and his friends has no face right now, komen seorang wartawan asing.
Benar Khairy sudah tidak tahu mana hendak meletak muka, walaupun beliau menang di Rembau, rata-rata ahli Umno tanpa segan silu menyalahkannya.
Rakan-rakan rapat Khairy juga dikhabarkan terpaksa 'menyembunyikan diri' dari orang-orang Umno yang begitu marah sekarang.
‘Tidak pernah terbayang Dato' Seri Mohd Khir Toyo, Dato' Seri Tajol Rosli Ghazali dan Dato' Seri Mahdzir Khalid menjadi ketua pembangkang di negeri masing-masing’ kata seorang penganalisis.
Krisis dalaman Umno yang memuncak
Umno kini sudah semakin berkecamuk. Keputusan yang mengejutkan ini menyebabkan Umno benar-benar buntu.
MCA, Gerakan dan MIC juga menerima tamparan yang memalukan. Jelas rakyat sudah menolak mereka.
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Ong Ka Ting, Samy Vellu dan Koh Tsu Koon sudah tidak diterima rakyat Malaysia.
Dalam Umno, kini krisis dalaman mereka semakin memuncak. Umno harus 'direvamp'. Abdullah didesak melepaskan jawatan untuk diserahkan kepada Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak.
The fake victory in 2004 sudah berakhir. BN sudah merudum di zaman kepimpinan Abdullah.
Jika dalam waktu yang terdekat ini Abdullah terpaksa melepaskan jawatan, maka impian Khairy untuk menjadi PM dalam usia 40 tahun terkubur buat selama-lamanya.
Episod baru kepimpinan Umno/BN akan bermula pada bila-bila masa. Kita tunggu dan lihat bagaimana rakyat menerimanya. - mks.
BN was overconfident: Dr M's ex-aide
Former Kamunting assemblyperson Dr Abdul Malek Mohamed Hanafiah attributed Barisan Nasional’s poor showing at yesterday’s polls to ‘overconfidence’.
"Barisan was overconfident and had taken things for granted," said Abdul Malek when met at the Taiping town hall while waiting for the election results to be announced last night.
Abdul Malek, who was formerly ex-premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s political secretary, said Barisan grew overconfident as a result of their landslide win at the 2004 general election.
Taking the example of the Taiping parliamentary seat and the three state seats within the constituency, Abdul Malek said BN candidates for nearly all the four seats were decided at the eleventh hour.
"They (BN) didn’t bother to resolve the problem in Taiping. We didn’t even have a proper Taiping Barisan chairperson. We couldn’t meet and do anything.
"We couldn’t even propose candidates properly. Too many issues have been swept under the carpet," he added.
There was a protracted tussle between Gerakan’s Tan Lian Hoe and PPP’s M Kayveas over who should be the Barisan Nasional Taiping division chairperson.
By tradition, the member of Parliament for the area, in this case Kayveas (pix), would be the Barisan division chair. However, because the seat was initially supposed to be contested by Gerakan this year, Tan, too, claimed the position.
Abdul Malek also said that economic problems had played a major role in precipitating the huge swing in votes against BN.
Economic problems
"The majority of voters are not bothered about foreign investment, economic corridors or the share market. They are worried about the money in their pocket.
"In Taiping, the economy is not progressing despite Barisan having held the seat for so many terms. What else can Barisan promise? We only keep saying we want to do something," added the two-term assemblyperson.
Meanwhile, Kayveas, who failed in his bid to defend the Taiping parliamentary seat, told reporters that he accepted the voters’ decision and would continue to serve the Taiping constituency.
"I feel the voters want drastic change," said Kayveas.
Kayveas mooted that one way for BN to regain its former status was for all its component parties to merge into one entity.
"That way, all the component parties will be saved," he claimed.
Kayveas, who is PPP president, joins Gerakan acting-president Koh Tsu Koon and MIC president S Samy Vellu (left) as Barisan component party leaders who suffered humiliating defeats at the polls with their respective parties being nearly wiped out.
Kayveas lost to DAP’s Nga Kor Ming by a margin of 11,298 votes - believed to be an opposition record for the seat.
Q&A: Khairy to blame for BN's electoral defeat
I think his son-in-law played a big role (in the defeat). This young man who has no achievements before but apparently the PM listens to him. said Mahathir at a press conference.
Are you surprised by the results?
Mahathir: I think it’s shocking. Although I expected BN to lose but I did not think that they lost five states.
I'm sorry that I made the wrong choice in Pak Lah. I never expected a PM to reverse all the policies of the government. So I think the people on the whole must have been very angry. All the three communities, the Chinese, the Malays and the Indians, have reacted.
Will Tun pressure Pak Lah to resign?
I think he should accept responsibility for this. Just as in 2004, the huge majority, the huge victory was purportedly due to him 100 percent. Now he should accept 100 percent of the responsibility.
What do you mean by taking responsibility?
He has destroyed Umno, destroyed BN. And he has to be responsible for this terrible defeat.
If he doesn't want to take responsibility, do you think that Umno will do something to make him go?
I think Umno people on the ground are fearful of this man as they have never been before. During my time they would challenge me. Here I was not allowed to speak. I was given invitations to give talk to Umno members but these were withdrawn. They say that the police told them to withdraw it.
When you say ‘step down’, do you mean (from) Umno or PM?
I think he should (step down). The Japanese would have performed ‘hara-kiri’. I think that Najib (Razak) has done very well. He has scored an amazing victory, more than the 2004 elections.
What do you think led to this defeat?
I think his son-in-law (Khairy Jamaluddin) played a big role. This young man who has no achievements before but apparently the PM listens to him more rather than the police, the special branch and the armed forces, who are closer to the ground. They were so taken up with their own newspaper reports that they couldn't hear anything else. They dismissed everything they didn't like.
Do you think the timing of the election was a miscalculation?
It can be called a miscalculation but I doubt if they had waited another year, the results would have been any different.
What were the issues which led to the loss of the states?
Many issues led to the pent-up feelings of the citizens of which despite the economic growth, the people aren't feeling anything. They feel the rise in the cost of living a big factor. They also see that this government is run by one family. When family takes precedence over cabinet, over government, then people will be against it.
Do you think this damage is permanent for BN?
Everything can be reversed if you do things properly. They have been so arrogant that they have suppressed any opinions they don't like and believe in their own reports which are not consistent with what is really happening in the country.
With the opposition making so much inroads in Malaysia, what do you think will happen?
Well, there will be instability for some time. If the opposition is good, they should be able to remedy the situation.
Do you think that Anwar Ibrahim is still relevant?
I think he is relevant but he is not going to become the prime minister of this country.
If you were in Pak Lah's shoes, would you be in a hurry to form the government?
I would take responsibility. If the people want me to resign, I would resign.
After this setback, do you think that Barisan has any hope to remedy this situation?
There is hope. But whether the leaders have the will to repair BN is another question.
Who should succeed Pak Lah?
Najib won by 26,000 votes and this is much more than in 2004 when the BN was very, very popular. On the other hand, Pak Lah - who had a majority of 18,000 before - only has a majority of 11,000 now. The fact is that he lost a number of votes. And there are not many people who have improved (their majority) since 2004.
Yes, his son-in-law won but he only won by a small majority, smaller than previously. He was also in a safe seat.
How to cure Umno?
The person responsible should retreat.
If the Malays had not voted for opposition this would not have happened. Why did the Umno supporters vote for opposition this time?
They feel their situation is under pressure. Inflation is high. Their lives are on the line. The people know that you can say that there is 6 percent growth but where is the 6 percent on their body? They are having to spend more money.
I've said this to Malaysiakini. When you say 6 percent, it is an average. This can be achieved by one person having a very high percentage but the rest have nothing. You can't have this sort of figures and expect people to vote for you.
The intelligent people would know that this is not correct. Those that don't understand all these figures, rather be guided by what is actually happening to them. What is happening to them is the higher cost of living and a lowering of their standard of living.
Going back to the 1969 elections, after the Alliance had lost, you were one of the main agitators for the prime minister (Tunku Abdul Rahman) to transfer his powers to his deputy (Tun Abdul Razak)...
I am in a dilemma as I'm an Umno member.
Are you the agitator again?
I will voice out my opinion. If people ask, I will give my opinion. And my opinion in this matter is that the person responsible should step down.
Looking at the current BN line-up, do you think that the BN government can manage the economy?
No, I don't think they can manage. Even when they have full force and tons of money at their disposal they have not done anything.
You have to ask the state leaders.
Penang has fallen to DAP, how do you think this will affect the Malays?
It's not just about Penang. If we want to correct that, we have got Malay leaders, we've got a Malay government and the citizens who are Malay must know how to overcome their problems.
What can veterans like Tengku Razaleigh (Hamzah) do to help Umno at this juncture?
They can give ideas.
Is it to revolt and cause Pak Lah to resign?
I am not talking about a rebellion but there must be pressure. And if that pressure is ignored by Pak Lah, then this would turn the matter into a heated confrontation.
Do you think that the opposition success is attributed to Anwar?
I don't think it is so. This is more of something against BN than strong support for the opposition.
They (voters) have no choice. If you don't vote BN, who do you vote for? There are only two candidates. So you vote for the opposition or you don't vote at all. Either way, the BN was going to lose a lot of support.
People say that Umno is still afraid of Pak Lah. So how can they pressure Pak Lah to step down?
I'm sure that there are some brave members out there.
Are there any alternatives for Pak Lah other than to resign?
I don't see any other alternative. The man that is 100 percent responsible has to show that he is responsible.
Some people were saying if BN's two-thirds majority is denied, a repeat of May 13 would take place. Why won't it happen now?
No I don't think it would happen. In the first place, the police have been very careful, telling people no demonstration and no parades.
In 1969, the police gave permission for the opposition to hold a victory parade. And they went to Kampung Baru and started insulting the people there, which caused a reaction. This ended up as a riot. If the police remain strong on these demonstrations and victory parades, I don't think there will be any problems.
Is it time to end racial politics?
I'm going to tell you this (rejection of BN) involves all the races. It's not as if the Chinese reject BN or all the Indians reject BN. Here, you see Chinese, Indian and Malay reject BN except for Sabah and Sarawak.
Umno has retained more seats compared to the other component parties like MIC and MCA. Will they pressure Pak Lah to step down?
That depends on them to whether to apply pressure or not but the Barisan Nasional concept is still relevant. If there is no (MIC chief S) Samy Vellu, then find another Vellu.
Can you comment on Zam (Zainuddin Maidin)?
He won or lost? Oh, he lost. Well, the way he was campaigning was really funny, telling people to look at his face and how it doesn't change. But I think that a face that doesn't change can be very boring. Sometimes you must laugh, sometimes you must cry.
He was telling everybody "Ini muka tak bertukar, tak bertukar". Who is interested in his ‘wajar’? If he was Britney Spears, then….
If you had suffered the same defeat, would you have resigned too?
Yes, I would resign if that is the wish of the people. I've always abided by the wish of the people, so much so that people who were against me were brought back into the cabinet, and that includes Pak Lah, Syed Hamid (Syed Albar), Rais Yatim and (Abdul) Kadir Sheikh Fadzil. All these (leaders) were against me.
But when Pak Lah was elected vice-president, I cannot (not appoint him) as he was wanted by Umno. As such I appointed him back into the cabinet.
But you did not resign in 1999?
I did not because we won two-thirds. We won with full Chinese support. Yes, we lost Terengganu and Kelantan but we have always lost Kelantan and Terengganu was for very specific reasons.
Did BN lose because too many people like Samy Vellu had hung on to power too long?
I think that Samy Vellu played a big part in the defeat. When he was in BN, he doesn't allow any of the MIC people to come up to his level. If they come up (to be) deputy or vice-president, he will knock them down and even expel them from the party.
And he wouldn't allow any other Indian party to join BN. (MG) Pandithan tried to join, begged me to allow him and I wanted to agree but we have this consensus in BN that if one party doesn't agree we cannot accept them.
Are you surprised by (ISA detainee) M Manoharan's victory?
This has happened before in 1959 or is it 1964, when PAS used to go from village to village carrying the candidate's shoes and he won.
What can you say about the media’s - especially the mainstream ones' - role in this campaign? Do you think that there should be changes there?
There should be changes. They should report what actually happens and make a proper analysis. Before, they were able to feed back to me what was happening on the ground. Maybe, when they talk about races and things like that, I would have to clamp down on them, which I did in 1987.
Should all the bosses of the newspapers resign too?
They have their constraints. Some of them are my friends and supporters too and they apologise say that they can't help. "It's all this Kali. This Kali," they tell me.
Has Umno become irrelevant?
For the moment, yes. It's not always so. If Umno serves the country well, and looks after all the different races, then Umno will be relevant again.
What is your comment on the young BN candidates losing?
There is this rumour that some of these candidates are Khairy's and that he wants to be prime minister.
Do you think that other BN component leaders should resign too?
I think that one component leader has already been knocked out. As for Ong Ka Ting, it's up to him. This is a very bad defeat for him and MCA and it's never been this bad before.
Everyone says that PAS and DAP cannot work together but if they don't in Selangor and Perak, they can't form state government. What is your take on this?
If they work together they can form state government. If not, then representatives of Umno - if there are many - can form a minority government. But it will be a shaky government.
Are you sad with the results?
Yes, I am although I had hoped that a message would be sent to the government.
Will you return to active politics?
I won't return to active politics but if they want advice, I can give them. How can I return when once I stepped down they treated me like a pariah?
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Risk will essentially be controlled in two ways: 1) by exiting losing trades before losses exceed your pre-determined maximum tolerance (or "cutting losses"), and 2) by limiting the "leverage" or position size you trade for a given account size.
Cutting Losses
Too often, the beginning trader will be overly concerned about incurring losing trades. He therefore lets losses mount, with the "hope" that the market will turn around and the loss will turn into a gain.
Almost all successful trading strategies include a disciplined procedure for cutting losses. When a trader is down on a position, many emotions often come into play, making it difficult to cut losses at the right level. The best practice is to decide where losses will be cut before a trade is even initiated. This will assure the trader of the maximum amount he can expect to lose on the trade.
The other key element of risk control is overall account risk. In other words, a trader should know before he begins his trading endeavor how much of his account he is willing to lose before ceasing trading and re-evaluating his strategy. If you open an account with $2,000, are you willing to lose all $2,000? $1,000? As with risk control on individual trades, the most important discipline is to decide on a level and stick with it. Further information on the mechanics of limiting risk can be found in the foreign currency trading literature.
Determining Position Size
Before beginning any trading program, an assessment should be made of the maximum account loss that is likely to occur over time, per your standard trading quantity. For example, assume you have determined that your worse case loss on your standard trade (quantity of 100,000) is 30 pips. That translates into approximately USD 300 per 100,000 EUR/USD position size. Five consecutive 100,000 EUR/USD losing trades would result in a loss of USD 1,500 (5 x USD 300); a difficult period but not to be unexpected over the long run. For a $10,000 account trading 100,000 EUR/USD, this translates into 15% loss. Therefore, even though it may be possible to trade 5 such positions or more with a $10,000 account, this analysis suggests that the resulting "drawdown" would be too great (75% or more of the account value would be wiped out).
Any trader should have a sense of this maximum loss per their standard trading quantity, and then determine the amount he wishes to trade for a given account size that will yield tolerable drawdowns.
Pengundi miliki kad pengenalan tanpa gambar ditemui di Bachok
BACHOK, 8 Mac (Hrkh) - Sehingga pukul 4.30 petang tadi, proses perjalanan pilihan raya berjalan lancar meskipun terdapat laporan mengenai pengundi pelbagai identiti wujud di beberapa pusat mengundi termasuk di Bachok.
Tiga Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) yang terdapat dalam Parlimen Bachok iaitu Perupok, Tawang dan Jelawat juga berjalan lancar, walaupun terdapat insiden yang tidak diingini seperti pengundi yang telah mati diambil peluang oleh pengundi lain.
Selain itu juga terdapat pembawa kad pengenalan palsu tanpa gambar dibawa oleh seorang pemuda berusia lingkungan 30-an.
Bagaimanapun pengundi tanpa identiti itu tidak berjaya mengundi kerana dihalang oleh seorang ‘counting agen’.
Calon PAS Kawasan Parlimen Bachok, Ustaz Nasaruddin Md Isa, memberitahu ‘mood’ pilihan raya yang berjalan hari ini bermula pagi tadi hingga sekarang 4.30 petang, berjalan lancar.
Menurutnya, tiada sebarang perkara buruk yang diingini berlaku kecuali beberapa kes penipuan seperti menggunakan kad pengenalan palsu dan sebagainya.
Ketika ditemui di pusat pengundian Sekolah Menengah Dato' Perdana, beliau berkata melihat pada luarannya sokongan pengundi terhadap PAS begitu memberangsangkan.
“Mana-mana tempat yang kita pergi, itulah yang dapat kita lihat sokongan, sambutan begitu memberangsangkan,"katanya.
Tambahnya lagi, begitu juga dengan bangsal panas yang disediakan pihak petugas PAS juga menjadi tumpuan para pengundi. - wann/mks.
Credit to HarakahDaily.Net
Negara yang penuh penipuan, pihak berkuasa menggila tak ikut undang-undang
Sat | Mar 08, 08 | 3:17:58 pm MYT
Sejak jam 7 pagi tadi lagi, ramai petugas PAS dan rakan media menghubungi penulis menyatakan mengenai laporan penipuan, penemuan pengundi luar dan pengundi yang memiliki banyak kad pengenalan mahu mengundi di Kelantan.
Di Terengganu, pihak berkuasa yang sepatutnya menjaga keamanan dan kesejahteraan pula bertindak kasar dan mengharu-birukan suasana dengan tembakan gas pemedih mata ke arah penyokong PAS yang mahu menahan bas-bas yang mengangkut pengudi hantu ke sana.
Bagaikan tiada lagi undang-undang di negara ini apabila pihak berkuasa pula menyebelahi pihak yang menipu, melanggar undang-undang dan menyeleweng.
"Negara jenis apakah ini jika pihak berkuasa melindungi penipu?", kata seorang petugas PAS di Ruslia, Marang yang menghubungi penulis pada jam 11.00 pagi tadi.
Malangnya, kini suasana keselamatan yang kononnya dilaungkan dalam Manifesto Umno/BN (Selamat, Aman, Makmur) sebenarnya hanyalah untuk menjaga keselamatan mereka yang dihantar untuk menipu dan bukannya rakyat tempatan yang mahu menentukan kepimpinan negara.
Malang sekali, negara ini milik Melayu, Cina, India dan peribumi, namun manusia dari negara lain turut serta dalam menentukan kepimpinan negara keran dipergunakan untuk memenangkan Umno/BN.
Imam Hadhari, Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mungkin kini mula tersenyum kerana orang-orang yang konco-konconya mahu hantar ke Kelantan dengan menaiki bas mula bergerak bebas dengan kawalan 100 peratus selamat oleh pihak berkuasa.
Kedatangan mereka yang bukan pengundi atau rakyat Kelatan ini hanya untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan yang rakyat di sini sudah kenali, selesa dan sayang kepada kepimpinan berteraskan Islamnya.
Malang sunguh nasib rakyat kelantan kerana mereka tidak diiktiraf oleh kerajaan pusat untuk menentukan kepimpinan negeri ini selepas Umno/BN menghantar pengundi luar termasuk bukan warganegara mengundi di sini.
Cuma seperti kata Mursyidul Am PAS yang juga Menteri Besar Kelantan, Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, kini beliau berdoa kepada Allah moga dibuka hati pengundi luar yang mahu mencampuri urusan negeri Kelantan agar mengundi kerajaan Islam untuk kekal di sini.
Hanya pada Allah diserahkan segala urusan ini, kerana kepada Dialah tempat mengadu, dan pada-Nya lah sahaja segala-galanya diharapkan, kata Tuan Guru Nik Aziz dengan tenang selepas membuang undi di Kota Jembal, Dun Cempaka pagi tadi. - mks.
Kecoh di Rusila, provokasi terancang BN
Sat | Mar 08, 08 | 5:02:25 pm MYT
MARANG;, 8 Mac (Hrkh) - PAS bertegas tidak akan menghormati Undang-undang yang zalim dan bercanggah dengan prinsip-prinsip demokrasi.
Presiden PAS, Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang berkata demikian ketika mengulas kekecohan yang berlaku di Peti Undi Kampung Rusila, Marang, hari ini.
Image"Kekecohan berlaku apabila didapati adanya bas yang membawa pengundi dari luar bukan pengundi dalam kawasan ini.
"Jadi apabila petugas-petugas kita melakukan pemeriksaan didapati mereka adalah pengundi-pengundi yang hendak mengundi di Peti Undi Rusila,” ujarnya ketika ditemui di rumahnya.
Oleh kerana itu, katanya PAS tidak akan menghormati undang-undang yang zalim termasuk undang-undang yang bercanggah dengan prinsip demokrasi.
Menurutnya, meski pun mereka beranggapan bahawa asal sahaja ada nama semua boleh mengundi. "Itu suatu perkara yang perlu kita siasat dahulu adakah ia sebenarnya pengundi di kawasan ini atau pun tidak dan sekarang ini jelas bahawa adanya pengundi-pengundi hantu yang dikatakan pengundi-pengundi hantu dan bukan sahaja ianya hantu tetapi diberi perlindungan oleh polis," jelasnya.
Alhamdulillah, kata Dato’ Seri Abdul Hadi bahawa pemuda-pemuda PAS telah dapat menjalankan tugas dengan baik serta dapat menghalang pengundi-pengundi tersebut.
"Kekecohan berlaku kerana mereka dilindungi dan dipertahankan oleh pihak polis yang sangat mendukacitakan kita.
"Ini satu perancangan dan penyelarasan antara Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) yang bertanggungjawab mendaftarkan mereka dalam daftar pemilih dan polis memberikan perlindungan secara sistematik.
"Bila mereka dihalang tempat berlindung mereka ialah balai-balai polis dan balai polis jadi tempat perlindungan kepada pengundi-pengundi hantu," tegasnya.
Berikutan itu, dua orang telah cedera adalah dari kalangan pemuda kampung ini (Rusila) dan salah seorang itu adalah anak Presiden PAS, Ustaz Muhamad Khalil.
Dato' Seri Abdul Hadi mendakwa kekecohan tersebut adalah suatu provokasi yang dirancang oleh pihak Umno dan Barisan Nasional (BN).
"Kita akan halang dan apabila berlaku kekecohan yang menyebabkan petugas-petugas dari peti undi lain datang, kita mengarahkan supaya mereka balik ke tempat masing-masing dan menjalankan tugas di tempat masing-masing.
"Jaga tempat masing-masing dan kita mengganggap itu satu provokasi yang dirancang oleh mereka supaya jentera parti tertumpu pada satu tempat dan mereka mengambil peluang membawa masuk pengundi-pengundi hantu," jelasnya.
Katanya, PAS menyertai pilihan raya bagi menghidupkan demokrasi dan perjuangan belum selesai dengan pilihan raya.
Menurutnya, rakyat perlu terus berjuang bagi membersihkan demokrasi sehingga rakyat dapat menjadi hakim yang adil, diberi hak yang sewajarnya. - mks.
Lagi Pengundi Hantu
Menurut sumber, bas-bas pesiaran terbabit membawa pelajar-pelajar universiti yang terdiri daripada Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Mara dan Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Rohana Sulaiman, 21, yang ditemui di tempat kejadian menceritakan bahawa beliau telah mendapat maklumat tentang kemudahan yang dipercayai disediakan oleh pihak Yayasan Terengganu diiklankan menerusi sistem pesanan ringkas (sms).
"Iklan mengenai khidmat kenderaan secara percuma untuk balik ke Terengganu tidak dibuat secara umum. Saya mendapat maklumat ini melalui seseorang yang bernama Razali, jawatankuasa yang terlibat menghantar sms kepada mahasiswa Terengganu," katanya ketika dihubungi Harakahdaily.
Ujarnya, sebelum bertolak daripada Kuala Lumpur mereka telah dibahagikan kepada beberapa kumpulan yang akan mengundi di dun-dun tertentu malah dalam perjalanan Rohana mengesyaki sesuatu yang tidak kena dengan trip perjalanan yang tidak membenarkan penumpang turun apabila tiba di lokasi yang dituju.
"Dalam bas tadi, kami 'dibrainwash' memburukkan PAS dan KeADILan seterusnya mengutuk kerajaan PAS Kelantan. Kami juga tidak dibenarkan turun di lokasi yang kami nak turun, macam contoh kawan-kawan di Dungun dan Kemaman, mereka dihalang turun. Katanya kena sampai di Wisma Darul Iman, Kuala Terengganu untuk sesi taklimat," katanya sambil mendakwa berasa tertipu dengan khidmat tersebut.
Difahamkan satu sesi 'brainwash' dan menyusun strategi pengundian akan diadakan di Wisma Darul Iman sebaik mereka tiba oleh pihak Umno-BN.
Sumber juga menyatakan bahawa sebahagian besar daripada mereka adalah pekerja kilang beserta dua rakyat Indonesia, bahkan kira-kira 30 peratus daripadanya adalah mereka yang tidak layak mengundi.
Selain itu menurut sumber, pemandu-pemandu bas tersebut mendakwa pelajar-pelajar tersebut dijanjikan untuk menaiki bas yang sama ketika balik semula ke KUala Lumpur.
Petugas PAS yang berada di tempat kejadian bertindak meminta pelajar-pelajar terbabit untuk menghubungi ibu bapa masing-masing untuk datang mengambil mereka sebelum dibawa ke Wisma Darul Iman.
Hanya 10 peratus daripada mereka yang berjaya dibawa pulang, manakala selebihnya diarah pihak polis untuk dibawa ke wisma Darul Iman sambil diiringi pasukan FRU dan kenderaan Umno-BN kira-kira jam 6.30 pagi.
"Kemudian, Ketua Polis Terengganu tidak membenarkan kesemua mereka terus disimpan di Wisma Darul Iman, lalu sebahagiannya bersurai pulang ke rumah masing-masing, sebahagian yang lain tidak dapat dikesan hala tuju mereka," demikian menurut sumber tersebut.
Sementara itu, kejadian yang sama juga berlaku di Tumpat apabila sebuah bas yang dipercayai membawa penumpang tidak dikenali termasuk 18 orang dari Sabah dikatakan berada di sini termasuk di kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) Pasir Pekan.
Bas yang membawa penumpang yang diragui itu dikatakan berada di Darul Hanan sejak semalam, di mana penumpangnya ditempatkan di sebuah dewan di situ.
Harakahdaily juga mendapat maklumat terdapat 83 buah bas ekspres yang dilaporkan akan bertolak dari tol Karak pada jam 4 hingga 5 pagi esok, 8 Mac ke Kelantan dan Terengganu.
Sebelum itu, kira-kira 10 buah bas pesiaran yang mencurigakan ditempatkan di Stadium Bukit Jalil yang dijangka bertolak ke lokasi yang sama secara berperingkat.
Menurut sumber, dipercayai bas yang memuatkan penumpang yang terdiri daripada rakyat Thailand dan Indonesia itu disyaki merupakan pengundi 'hantu' bagi memenangkan Umno-BN di Kelantan dan Terengganu. - mns
Keadaan makin serius di Tanah Merah
Sat | Mar 08, 08 | 12:29:29 pm MYT
KUALA LUMPUR, 8 Mac (Hrkh) - Pengkhianatan terhadap proses pilihan raya yang adil dan bersih makin serius di Tanah Merah, Kelantan.
Sebahagian pengundi hantu telahpun menyerahkan kad-kad pengenalan mereka kepada para petugas Barisan Nasional (BN).
Memburukkan lagi keadaan, dalam tindakan yang dianggap oleh para petugas sebagai bersekongkol dengan pembunuhan demokrasi, pihak polis pula mengawal pengundi-pengundi hantu itu untuk dibawa ke pusat-pusat pengundian.
Para petugas PAS di sana sedang bertungkus-lumus menghadapi keadaan itu.
Ketika dihubungi salah seorang dari mereka mempersoalkan penglibatan Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan dalam perkara itu.
Sebelum ini, di Jeli, seorang anggota polis memberitahu para petugas PAS bahawa Ketua Polis Negara telah mengarahkan supaya kotak-kotak undi pos dalam kawalannya dibawa dan diletakkan di balai polis.
Bagaimanapun, anggota polis berkenaan meminta supaya jangan didedahkan apa yang beliau nyatakan itu, kata salah seorang dari kira-kira 50 petugas PAS yang terlibat dengan kejadian itu.
Umno BN tipu rakyat, 'pengundi hantu' tunjuk perasaan tunggu wang upah
Di seri Cemerlang, sejak jam 9.00 pagi tadi Ketua Biro Harakah Kelantan melaporkan ribuan pengundi luar sedang berkumpul untuk menuntut wang yang dijanjikan kepada mereka untuk mengundi di Kelantan.
Mereka telah mengadakan tunjuk perasaan berikutan wang yang dijanjikan tidak sampai lagi.
Difahamkan mereka ini akan mengundi di beberapa lokasi hangat seperti Kota Bharu, Tanah Merah, Jeli, Tumpat, Machang dan Rantau Panjang.
Sementara itu di beberapa pusat mengundi lain, petugas-petugas PAS termasuk di Kadok, Pengkalan Kubor, Meranti, Demit, Kemuning dan sedang mengawasi pergerakan pengundi luar yang dikatakan sedang menuju ke Dun-dun tersebut.
Mereka mendapat maklumat hampir setiap Dun yang dinyatakan akan dihantar sejumlah 200 hingga 300 orang pengundi luar termasuk pegundi dari Indonesia dan Thailand.
"Kita akan menghalang pergerakan mereka ini, walaupun setakat ini mereka dibantu oleh pihak berkuasa untuk bergerak," kata seorang petugas PAS, Zubir Che Wil yang melaporkan kepada Harakahdaily sebentar tadi.
Sementara itu suasana di Kota Bharu, Ketereh terutamanya di Dun Kok Lanas semakin panas, pentugas BN dan PAS serta KeADILan saling berebut untuk mendapatkan pengundi bagi meraih undi.
Kelihatan beberapa orang petugas Puteri Umno menggunakan pedekatan 'manja' dan 'gedik' untuk menarik sokongan pengundi terutamanya kalangan pengundi lelaki muda.
Sejak pusat mengundi dibuka pagi tadi hingga kini, ramai di kalangan pengundi saluran satu (warga emas) membuang undi, sementara sekitar jam 12 hingga 2 petang tadi, kalangan pengundi saluran dua dan tiga mula membanjiri pusat-pusat pembuangan undi.
Hapus dulu cukai pintu di negeri BN, sebelum gula-gula rakyat Kelantan
Fri | Mar 07, 08 | 5:46:37 pm MYT
KOTA BHARU, 7 Mac (Hrkh) – Sebelum menabur segala janji untuk rakyat Kelantan, parti itu terlebih dahulu perlu melaksanakan impian tersebut di negeri-negeri lain yang sudah 50 tahun dikuasainya.
Malah rakyat di Terengganu yang pernah merasai cukai pintu dihapuskan di era pentadbiran PAS pada 1999 - 2004, namun dikenakan kembali selepas BN berkuasa di negeri tersebut.
Dalam manifesto Barisan Nasional Kelantan mereka berjanji memansuhkan tunggakan cukai bandar dan tunggakan cukai tanah serta memansuhkan bayaran letak kereta di semua majlis daerah.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kerajaan Tempatan, Perumahan Dan Kesihatan Negeri, Dato’ Takiyuddin Hassan berkata, parti itu seharusnya melaksanakan impian itu di negeri-negeri lain yang sudah lama dimenangi BN daripada menabur janji manis kepada rakyat Kelantan.
“Buatlah dahulu di 13 negeri yang dikuasai BN sebelum menabur janji nak hapus cukai itu dan ini di Kelantan. Taktik mereka tidak lebih sebagai pancing undi secara murahan.
“Tawaran yang dibuat itu tidak lebih sebagai kempen politik murahan,” ujarnya pada satu majlis di sini, baru-baru ini.
Oleh itu beliau mengingatkan rakyat tidak termakan segala janji Umno dan BN kerana ia tidak lebih sebagai kosmetik bagi menarik perhatian orang ramai.
“Janji berkenaan tidak lebih sebagai gula-gula yang dibungkus cantik untuk memenangi hati rakyat di musim pilihan raya.
“Ini kerana tidak ada satu kerajaan pun yang menghapuskan cukai-cukai yang dikenakan seperti cukai bandar, cukai pintu dan sebagainya kerana ia merupakan hasil kerajaan bagi melaksanakan pembangunan untuk rakyat,” katanya.
Ketika berucap pada majlis itu sebelumnya, beliau berkata, kerajaan negeri ingin melahirkan profesional dalam bidang animasi dengan mewujudkan sekolah animasi Darul Digital.
Menurutnya, memandangkan filem animasi mampu membentuk minda masyarakat, kerajaan negeri berhasrat melahirkan pakar animasi yang mampu melahirkan cerita mengikut acuan Islam. - mj
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Temubual bersama TG Nik Aziz
NIK AZIZ: Allah yang mengetahui bahawa bahawa tidak ada cara lain untuk mengubati manusia melainkan takwa kepada Allah. Dalam surah Yaasin, Allah sebut, maksudnya: “Al-Quran berguna hanya kepada manusia yang mengikutnya dan gerun kepada Allah.” Negeri-negeri yang tolak Islam dan menggunakan undang-undang sendiri seperti Malaysia , kerajaan tidak boleh menimbulkan rasa gerun di hati rakyat terhadap neraka, seksa kubur dan soal jawab di Padang Mahsyar.
Kerajaan yang ada tidak meletakkan dasar di atas asas yang ditetapkan al-Quran. Cuma kita tiru fail (dasar) yang digubal di London, India atau Greek. Inggeris menjajah negeri orang dengan tidak ada rasa gerun atau malu-aib. Inggeris jajah Tanah Melayu, Belanda jajah Indonesia. Mereka tiada rasa malu atau aib langsung biarpun menjajah negeri orang. Macam mana hendak ambil undang-undang mereka untuk membasmikan jenayah di negara kita.
Islam mempamerkan seksa di dalam kubur, neraka yang sedang menunggu manusia di akhirat kelak. Bagi menyelesaikan masalah jenayah sehingga menyebabkan kematian Nurin ialahkembali kepada hudud. Hukuman hudud bagi kesalahan tertentu akan dipotong tangan. Kerat tangan merupakan denda yang tidak mematikan manusia. Orang yang dikerat tangan boleh lagi bekerja misalnya sebagai jaga, bawa teksi dan jurujual.
Peliknya, hudud di tempat kita ditolak sedangkan kes gantung dilaksanakan, misalnya kepada pengedar dadah. Malaysia tolak hudud kerana orang Inggeris tidak melaksanakannya. Hukuman gantung dilaksanakan kerana hukuman itu ada di Barat.
HARAKAH: Bukankah Kelantan sudah lama lulus rang undang-undang Hudud?
NIK AZIZ: Kami di Kelantan telah siapkan undang-undang Hudud. Kami mahu melaksanakan dalam perundangan di negeri ini. Melaksanakan Hudud bukan kerja kami kerana ia kerja hakim. Tetapi Pusat tidak benarkan kita masuk dalam senarai perundangan di peringkat Kelantan. Biar rakyat di Malaysia tahu bahawa di antara undang-undang di Kelantan ialah Hudud. Jadi hendak laksanakan Hudud terserah kepada kebijaksanaan hakim. Misalnya, kalau hukuman bunuh tidak dijatuhkan ke atas tertuduh kerana ada kesamaran, maka Hudud juga tidak boleh dilaksanakan kalau ada kesamaran.
HARAKAH: Kerajaan negeri telah tunaikan tanggungjawab?
NIK AZIZ: Kita bentang enakmen itu pada 1993. Tetapi kita diberi amaran keras kalau mahu melaksanakan Hudud, Pusat mahu bertindak. Ada juga surat amaran Perdana Menteri. Kami telah rasai tindakan Pusat ketika Mageran dahulu. Jadi bila tidak dibenarkan, kita meneruskan apa yang dibolehkan. Surat PM menjadi saksi di dunia akhirat terhadap apa yang kita buat.
HARAKAH: Bagaimana hendak atasi halangan itu?
NIK AZIZ: Kita boleh melaksanakannya hanya apabila dapat menguasai pemerintahan Pusat. Apabila menguasai Pusat kita akan masukkan Hudud dalam senarai perundangan. Pelaksanaan Hudud itu kerja hakim yang akan menentukan syarat-syarat hendak potong tangan dan perkara-perkara lain. Draf Hudud dibuat ahli undang-undang termasuk pensyarah universiti dan ulama.
HARAKAH: Apa perasaan Tuan Guru apabila pelaksanaannya dihalang?
NIK AZIZ: Saya melahirkan rasa kesal kerana akibatnya boleh dilihat secara jelas. Jenayah tidak menurun dan terus berkembang. Sampai budak yang tidak akil baligh pun dibunuh kejam. Tiada kasihan belas, malu-aib dibunuh budak 8 tahun kerana nafsu buas manusia. Salah guna harta kerajaan pula banyak berlaku dan dilaporkan media tiap hari. Mereka tidak ingat kepada azab dalam kubur kerana mengambil harta kerajaan dengan cara haram. Sedangkan di akhirat kelak akan dibakar. Ini berlaku kerana kita tidak didik rakyat dengan agama, cuma hanya menggunakan undang-undang ciptaan manusia.
HARAKAH: Bagaimana cara menyedarkan rakyat tentang Hudud?
NIK AZIZ: Kita adakan perayaan ulang tahun Hudud setiap tahun. Tiap-tiap tahun orang yang bertadarus al Quran juga akan bertemu dengan ayat-ayat mengenai Hudud. Tapi kita hendak laksanakan tidak boleh kerana ada orang sekat.
HARAKAH: Ada usaha jumpa dengan Perdana Menteri yang terkenal dengan Islam Hadhari bincang isu itu?
NIK AZIZ: Belum lagi. Islam Hadhari makin teruk lagi. Saya hendak tanya kalau ada Islam Hadhari perlu ada Iman Hadhari. Ini keranayang membentuk jiwa manusia bukan Islam tetapi iman. Jiwa manusia bercabang dua iaitu takwa dan fujur (jahat). Misalnya, ketika kecil manusia takut kepada rotan dan apabila besar takut kerana ada takwa.
HARAKAH: Tuan Guru tidak terima Islam Hadhari?
NIK AZIZ: Usahkah saya, orang dia sendiri pun tidak faham Islam Hadhari. Mengapa baru sekarang hendak cetuskan Islam Hadhari, sedangan Umno sudah lebih 50 tahun wujud. Islam yang dibawa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. sudah bermula lebih 1,400 tahun lalu. Apa jaminan Islam Hadhari boleh membentuk jiwa manusia? Atas point mana Islam Hadhari boleh membentuk akhlak rakyat Malaysia? Sudah berapa ramai orang Umno boleh berubah pada zaman hadhari berbanding sebelum hadhari? Manusia hanya boleh berubah apabila faham adanya azab kubur. Perkara seumpama ini tidak ada dalam Islam Hadhari.
HARAKAH: Perdana Menteri sebut Islam Hadhari sekadar tamadun?
NIK AZIZ: "Membangun Bersama Islam" yang dilaksanakan di Kelantan adalah sebahagian konsep tamadun. Banyak pembaharuan yang kita buat di Kelantan termasuk memperkenalkan rumah tiga bilik. Tidakkah itu menggambarkan sudah lama kita bertamadun.
HARAKAH: Pelancaran Pembangunan Ekonomi Wilayah Timur (ECER) mungkin menjadi alat utama Umno bagi menarik sokongan rakyat?
NIK AZIZ: Senarai pembangunan yang hendak dibuat pada ECER belum lagi kita ketahui. Bagi saya perkara utama yang perlu dimasukkan dalam ECER ialah pendaratan gas. Gas yang terdapat di perairan Kelantan perlu didaratkan di negeri ini. Saya sedih mengapa gas dari JDA di perairan Kelantan didaratkan di Thailand. Tiada asas langsung! Pendaratan di Thailand kalau dibuat juga tidak berkat kerana harta kita dibawa ke tempat lain. Kita hanya boleh seronok setakat dunia. Kadang-kadang orang berasa mujur kalau ada orang mati kerana masa hidupnya jahat sangat. Kalau boleh apabila kita mati orang akan merasakan kekosongan kerana sewaktu hidup sekarang berkhidmat kepada mereka.
HARAKAH: Tuan Guru sokong ECER?
NIK AZIZ: Kita kena sokong. Allah membuat dunia penuh dengan bahan mentah dan sesiapa yang boleh bangunkan kita kena sokong. Bahan mentah itu kena diproses. Kami di Kelantan membuat kemajuan sepadan dengan apa yang ada pada kami.
HARAKAH: Tuan Guru puas hati apa yang telah dibuat di Kelantan?
NIK AZIZ: Kita laksanakan segala ilmu yang kita belajar. Orang yang belajar ilmu Islam iaitu Fiqah, Tauhid, Usuluddin, Tasawur dan Tafsir sama ada di pondok atau di luar negara akan merasakan di Kelantan ilmu mereka itu berguna. Kalau tidak ada kerajaan seperti di Kelantan, orang yang belajar fiqah tidak dapat praktikkan ilmu mereka. Sebab hendak laksanakan tidak boleh. Alim ulama akan merasakan ada kelebihan ilmu yang mereka pelajari.
Kalau tidak ada kerajaan seperti di Kelantan ilmu agama yang dipelajari macam kosong. Ini satu dosa besar. Hatta tazkirah dilarang di negeri tertentu. Sedangkan al-Quran itu sendiri bermaksud tazkirah. Itu pun berlaku ketika orang Islam yang jadi Menteri Besar, apa kata kalau orang bukan Islam menjadi Menteri Besar, tentunya lagi teruk. Sepatutnya kita orang Islam kena sebar Islam kepada orang bukan Islam. Tetapi orang bukan Islam ragu-ragu hendak masuk Islam kerana orang Islam sendiri mencaci agama mereka.
* petikan dari
Anwar Saman Khairy, Chandra RM10 juta Kerana Fitnah
Selain dari tuntuan memohon maaf secara terbuka, Anwar Ibrahim juga memfailkan saman RM10 juta setiap satu kerana tindakan mereka mencemar maruah beliau dengan tuduhan berniat jahat.
Bercakap kepada wartawan, peguam Sankara Nair berkata pihaknya telah menghantar surat tuntutan itu kepada Khairy dan Chandra pada 4 Mac lalu, meminta mereka menarik balik tuduhan mereka dan memastikan tabiat buruk itu tidak diulangi lagi dimasa hadapan.
Menjelaskan dua insiden berkenaan, Sankara menunjukkan bahawa Khairy menggambarkan Anwar Ibrahim seorang manusia yang rendah moral, luar tabii dan tidak mempunyai nilai-nilai Islam kepada kelompok pendengar dalam satu ceramah Umno di Lembah Pantai 20 Februari lalu.
Sementara Chandra pula menuduh Anwar Ibrahim “menggalakkan dan mencetuskan perpecahan kaum di kalangan kaum di Malaysia,” dalam satu forum lalu seperti yang dilaporkan akhbar New Strait Times 4 Mac lalu.
Dalam surat firma guaman Nair kepada Khairy, tuduhan-tuduhan yang dilemparkan kepada Anwar Ibrahim adalah “fitnah yang amat serius dan telah mengganggu ketenteraman klien kami (Anwar), bahkah memalukan beliau, terutama selepas kes Peguam Negara vs Anwar Ibrahim dimana klien kami didapati tidak bersalah dan dibebaskan.”
“Demikian itu, tuduhan-tuduhan pihak tuan terhadap beliau adalah tidak benar dan serangan pihak tuan terhadap klien kami tidak berasas sama-sekali.”
Dalam surat kepada Chandra pula, Nair berkata tuduhan yang dilemparkan adalah jenayah fitnah dan perlu diambil tindakan.
Nair berkata tindakan dua teman sejoli itu adalah “tidak bertanggungjawab” dan didorong oleh kepentingan dengan niat untuk menimbulkan kebencian rakyat terhadap Anwar.
Khairy dan Chandra masing-masing diberi masa 48 jam – dari 4 Mac hingga 6 Mac – untuk memberi jawapan. Sekiranya gagal pihak guaman Anwar diarahkan untuk “mengambil tindakan undang-undang” terhadap mereka.