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Sunday, November 30, 2008
Soal Jawab: Masyarakat Islam masih samar falsafah yoga
KEPUTUSAN Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan mengharamkan senaman yoga yang diamalkan secara menyeluruh dan sistematik kerana bertentangan dengan syariat Islam serta boleh memesongkan akidah umat Islam bagi sesetengah pihak sungguh mengejutkan. Bagaimanapun, Dr Abdulfatah Haron Ibrahim, tegas menyatakan yoga adalah 100 peratus daripada ajaran agama Hindu. Beliau bukan saja seorang Profesor Usuluddin dan Falsafah di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) dan kertas kerjanya mengenai yoga dijadikan panduan kepada pengharaman yoga, malah beliau adalah pakar yoga yang mempelajari dan mengamalkan yoga secara serius. Dr Abdulfatah berhenti selepas mendapati senaman itu bertentangan dengan Islam. Ikuti pandangannya kepada wartawan Berita Minggu, Ziauddin Sharuddin dan Siti Nur Almizan Aripin.
BOLEHKAH Dr menerangkan secara terperinci mengenai aspek yoga yang bertentangan dengan Islam?
Sebelum menjawab soalan ini, saya berpendapat kita terlebih dulu perlu memahami aspek falsafah yang mendasari isu ini, iaitu agama.
Islam adalah agama samawi, iaitu agama wahyu atau agama dari langit dengan Nabi Muhammad SAW diutuskan oleh Allah SWT untuk menyebarkan agama ini. Islam adalah agama yang mengatasi akal. Walaupun mempunyai akal, tetapi kemampuan manusia terhad dan tidak dapat melebihi had itu. Sebagai contoh, manusia tidak boleh menyatakan dengan pasti lokasi sempadan langit. Jika ada sempadan, apakah pula di sebalik langit?
Manusia tidak boleh jawab, tetapi al-Quran menjawab persoalan ini dengan menyatakan ada tujuh lapisan langit dan di sebalik langit ada arasy dan syurga. Ini adalah perkara ghaib yang orang Islam percaya kerana dinyatakan dalam peristiwa israk mikraj, iaitu perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW dari bumi naik ke langit hingga Sidratul Muntaha. Peristiwa ini juga adalah antara mukjizat Rasulullah SAW.
Yoga mempunyai kitab suci seperti Bhagavad Gita, tetapi siapa yang tulis? Ada saintis Barat mengkritik sumber agama Hindu yang mempunyai perkara samar-samar. Memang benar agama Hindu adalah lebih awal ribuan tahun berbanding Islam, tetapi ada pelbagai kontroversi dalam kitab itu yang diragui dan nilainya tidak sama dengan al-Quran.
Siapakah pengasas agama Hindu yang tidak mempunyai nabi. Apabila tidak ada nabi, tetapi berfikir mengenai perkara yang di luar kemampuan orang biasa faham, ini adalah falsafah, iaitu mengenai sesuatu hakikat di sebalik alam nyata atau metafizik. Kesimpulannya, Islam adalah agama samawi yang mempunyai nabi, manakala Hindu adalah agama falsafah yang tiada nabi.
Apakah aspek lain yang perlu difahami berhubung isu ini?
Aspek kedua ialah demokratik dan aristokratik. Islam adalah agama demokratik. Dalam antropologi, ada tujuh fenomena sosial, iaitu politik, ekonomi, sosial, sains, falsafah, kesenian dan agama. Konsep fenomena sosial berbeza antara Barat dan Islam. Dalam Islam, semua fenomena sosial tertakluk kepada hukum syariat agama Islam. Oleh itu, timbul hukum wajib, sunat, harus, makruh dan haram. Seluruh kehidupan orang Islam 24 jam sehari semalam terikat dengan hukum itu.
Islam itu demokratik. Nilai kemuliaan pada pandangan orang Melayu adalah berdasarkan beberapa aspek seperti bangsawan, gelaran dan nama baik. Hukum syarak pula melihat kemuliaan pada ketakwaan, istiqamah, beriman dan beramal.
Hindu pula adalah agama aristokratik. Ada empat kasta tetapi sebenarnya ada lima kerana yang kelima tidak termasuk dalam kasta. Saya memetik kenyataan majalah National Geographic dan Understanding Oriental Philosophy, iaitu sejak 1,500 tahun lalu, masyarakat kasta di India percaya ketentuan sejak azali bahawa manusia yang dilahir di dunia ini adalah tidak sama. Mereka terpaksa masuk ke dalam satu daripada empat kasta.
Dari kepala adalah kasta brahman, dari tangan adalah kesatria (pemerintah dan tentera), dari paha adalah vaisya (saudagar dan peniaga) dan dari kaki adalah sudhra (buruh). Walaupun Mahatma Gandhi adalah pejuang kemerdekaan India, beliau adalah dari vaisya menyebabkan orang dari kasta brahman dan kesatria tidak boleh tunduk kepadanya. Di India, orang yang mengamalkan yoga adalah dari kasta brahman dan kesatria.
Kembali kepada persoalan dasar, apakah yang menyebabkan yoga boleh menggugat akidah umat Islam?
Dalam agama Hindu, manusia pada mulanya bersatu dengan tuhan. Kemudian muncul eon (legenda), suatu benda yang menjauhkan sedikit demi sedikit manusia dari tuhan hingga mereka lupakan tuhan. Ini menyebabkan manusia perlu melawan nafsu hasil daripada eon itu. Yoga yang bermaksud 'yuj' adalah satu bentuk amalan kerohanian Hindu dan juga Buddha yang sebenarnya adalah serpihan daripada agama Hindu.
Pengamal yoga yang dipanggil yogin berusaha membebaskan fikiran untuk mencapai samadhi atau bersatu dengan brahma. Ini adalah falsafah yoga, iaitu bersatu dengan brahma, perkara yang jelas bertentangan dengan Islam.
Berdasarkan matlamat senaman yoga yang mahu bersatu dengan brahma, sebab itu adalah janggal jika ada bukan Hindu terikut-ikut, sedangkan ada banyak senaman lain.
Timbul persoalan di kalangan segelintir pihak mengenai bagaimana melakukan yoga bertentangan dengan Islam?
Segelintir pihak yang membantah keras mendakwa 'kami tidak menjadi Hindu pun.' Nasihat saya, tidak ada pihak yang boleh pertikaikan kerana tiada jaminan pengamal senaman itu tidak terjebak ke dalam mantera atau elemen falsafahnya. Bolehkah mereka memberi jaminan? Dalam satu laporan media massa, seorang pengamal yoga menunjukkan satu gerakan yoga, tetapi itu bukan yoga tetapi senaman biasa. Orang itu keliru antara senaman biasa dan yoga.
Mungkin kepada orang ramai, apabila disebut senaman yoga ialah asana yoga. Asana bermaksud posisi tubuh (postures) yang sebenarnya bukan hanya gerakan badan dan cara pernafasan, tetapi membabitkan akidah umat Islam.
Ada pelbagai jenis senaman asana yoga. Ada yang kata 84 dan ada yang kata 32 jenis asana yoga. Saya kemukakan beberapa contoh asana yang setiap posisi tubuh mempunyai makna.
Padmasana, iaitu melambangkan keheningan, kejernihan dan keyakinan diri. Dalam mitos kejadian brahma, dia dikatakan terbit dari bunga teratai yang keluar dari pusat vishnu. Yuga-Mudra pula adalah asana yang melambangkan sujud kepada tuhan yang jelas membabitkan perkara agama atau ketuhanan.
Garudasana, iaitu nama burung khayalan berkepala rupa manusia tunggangan tuhan vishnu apabila naik ke langit. Vishnu biasanya digambarkan dengan bunga teratai. Contoh asana yang saya katakan ini menunjukkan wujud unsur agama Hindu-Budha, iaitu bunga teratai, asana sujud dan asana garuda.
Bagaimana pula dengan jenis yoga lain?
Selain asana, ada lima lagi jenis yoga, iaitu hatha, karma, bhakti, jnana dan raja.
Hatha adalah gabungan ha yang bermaksud matahari dan tha yang bererti bulan. Ini bermaksud menyatukan matahari dan bulan melalui jalan pernafasan. Yoga ini semata-mata mengenai fizikal. Hatha bermaksud menguasai pemikiran melalui cara pernafasan tertentu.
Karma ialah yoga sebab musabab, iaitu untuk melatih hidup tidak mementingkan diri, berkhidmat untuk manusia, masyarakat dan negara di mana anda berada. Yoga ini adalah latihan penyucian diri dan melalui meditasi, mengangkat darjat diri ke tahap tertinggi. Hasil latihan ini menjadikan hati lembut dan melayakkan diri mengamalkan bhakti.
Bhakti adalah yoga ibadat atau yoga cinta ilahi. Dengan ini terbuka hati dan akal kepada martabat kehidupan tertinggi, mengajar beribadat kepada tuhan dan menyerah diri sepenuhnya kepada tuhan.
Jnana melayakkan kita memeriksa diri dengan minda yang terlatih dan daya tinggi melakukan penumpuan kepada hikmat manusia berada di dunia, manakala raja sebagai lanjutan mengenai intuition yang membawa kita kepada maha mutlak. Raja yoga membimbing seorang pengamal yoga (yogin) mencapai samadhi (bersatu) tertinggi, boleh bersatu dengan mutlak (brahma).
Bagaimana mantera yang dilafazkan ketika mengamalkan senaman membahayakan akidah?
Dalam agama Hindu, 'om' dikatakan kalimah kekuasaan maha suci, mantera paling handal berbanding yang lain. Dalamnya terkandung segala nama tuhan dan mengandungi banyak rahsia terpendam. Cara menyebut kalimah ini hendaklah dikeluarkan daripada belakang kerongkong, dihembus ke mulut, keluar dari mulut dan selesai apabila bibir tertutup huruf 'm' yang terhenti dan dengungan bunyi suara berterusan. Ini membabitkan semua anggota yang mengeluarkan perkataan dan suara yang mengandungi banyak nama tuhan.
Aum pula adalah mengandungi 'a' yang melambangkan kejadian terkandung dalam diri brahma, u melambangkan vishnu, tuhan pemelihara dan m ialah shiva yang melambangkan tuhan pembinasa. Brahma, vishnu dan shiva adalah satu dalam tiga dan digelar trimurthi atau tetiga. Bagaimanapun, ada banyak lagi tuhan atau dewa Hindu dan sukar dikira.
Alasan yang diberikan pengamal yoga ialah mereka melakukannya semata-mata untuk kebaikan kesihatan?
Jika yoga baik untuk kesihatan, mungkin WHO (Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia) akan mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa jika hendak melihat model orang yang sihat adalah pergi ke India kerana mereka bersenam yoga dan sihat. Perkara itu tidak berlaku. Ini yang menyebabkan saya menulis mengenai yoga. Saya cuma membuat perbandingan dan pembaca jika faham, fahamlah. Maksud saya, fikirlah sendiri sama ada yoga bagus atau tidak.
Saya mengemukakan kes ini kepada pihak berkuasa agama kerana seseorang menimbulkan perkara yoga yang saya bantah kerana ia adalah perkara Hindu. Di antara hujah saya ialah siapakah yang boleh menjamin apabila (pengamal yoga) disuruh bernafas dan sebut om ... aum. Selain itu, adakah pengajar Yoga adalah seorang Islam yang betul-betul Islam atau bukan Islam. Batas senaman yoga ialah jika setakat menggerakkan badan semata-mata tiada mantera atau lain-lain, jika larat buatlah.
Jika pengamal yoga menyatakan bahawa dua atau tiga jenis penyakit dapat diubati, saya hendak kata ini belum boleh dijadikan kaedah yang boleh diterima pakai oleh semua orang. Kenyataan itu adalah pengalaman peribadi. Jika betul-betul serius, pergilah ke Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) atau mana-mana badan lain untuk membuat penyelidikan.
Saya juga mengikuti sejarah pengubatan India sebagai pengetahuan umum. Saya mendapati India mengeksport ubat herba tradisional, ayurveda namanya dan bukan yoga.
Persoalannya jika yoga berusia ribuan tahun, mengapa orang India sendiri tidak bercakap mengenai senaman yoga boleh menyembuhkan penyakit tertentu. Sepatutnya nyatakan bahawa senaman yoga memberi faedah kepada kesihatan, tetapi mengapa orang India yang berpengalaman dengan sejarah begitu lama tidak menyebut mengenai yoga.
Masyarakat berpendapat yoga baik untuk kesihatan. Mereka melakukan senaman tanpa mantera. Buku mengenai yoga juga banyak di pasaran dan tidak memasukkan mantera?
Yoga adalah 100 peratus daripada ajaran Hindu. Bagi menjawab soalan ini, secara analogi saya nyatakan bahawa arak haram kerana memabukkan. Ada orang menyanggah dengan menyatakan tidak mengapa minum sedikit arak kerana tidak memabukkan. Benar! Tetapi arak tetap arak dan hukumnya haram.
Begitu juga dengan yoga yang haram kerana mengamalkan ajaran Hindu. Walaupun diamalkan sedikit tetapi yoga tetap yoga.
Memang benar di pasaran tempatan ada banyak buku yoga, tetapi masyarakat tidak mendapat gambaran tepat kerana maklumat dalam kebanyakan buku bahasa Inggeris mengenai yoga terhad kepada aspek tertentu, tetapi buku itu menggunakan nama yoga.
Gambaran mengenai yoga yang tidak lengkap menyebabkan masyarakat melenting apabila mendengar fatwa mengharamkan yoga. Saya terfikir juga, adakah orang Melayu membaca buku yoga yang lengkap. Saya fikir tiada atau adakah buku itu dijual di pasaran. Mungkin ada, tetapi adakah betul-betul yoga yang lengkap.
Bagaimana amalan senaman (posture) yoga jika dilakukan boleh menyebabkan pengamalnya terpengaruh atau terjejas akidah?
Secara asasnya, posture mempunyai meditasi. Ketika meditasi, kita diajar mengenai maksud perkataan om atau aum dan menggunakan intuition (ilmu yang terus datang ke hati daripada tuhan). Dalam Theory of Knowlegde, manusia tahu melalui senses (pancaindera). Kedua, melalui perantara yang bagi orang Islam adalah al-Quran dan hadis. Ketiga adalah melalui akal. Keempat dan yang dipertikaikan adalah manusia mengetahui melalui intuition (ilham laduni).
Intuition sebagai sumber pengetahuan menimbulkan debat yang berpanjangan dan tiada penyelesaian. Akidah Islam menolak intuition sebagai sumber pengetahuan kerana tidak meyakinkan dan tidak dapat dikongsi bersama.
Dalam kitab Jawi disebut sebagai ilham laduni, tetapi akidah Islam tidak menerimanya. Tasawuf menerimanya. Kita boleh mengguna lima pancaindera yang sihat, kita boleh menggunakan akal yang sihat dan normal serta boleh menggunakan al-Quran dan hadis. Intuition datang sekali-sekala ke dalam hati orang tertentu dan berbeza mengikut individu. Oleh itu, kita tidak boleh menjadikan intuition sebagai sumber ilmu untuk semua golongan.
Dalam kes yoga, jika tiada intuition, maka tidak ada yoga. Apabila ada intuition, meditasi dilakukan hingga sampai ke tahap nirguna brahman, tahap yang tidak wujud perbezaan dan segala-galanya adalah satu. Jika sampai ke tahap itu, Hindu adalah agama falsafah. Tidak semua akal manusia boleh menguasai pemikiran.
Adakah masalah yang berlaku ini kerana pemahaman umat Islam sendiri terhadap pengertian akidah yang tidak difahami sepenuhnya. Main cakap dan buat sesuka hati tanpa memikirkan tindakan boleh menjejaskan akidah?
Barangkali mereka bercakap dengan perkataan yang menyerupai agama lain (sembahyang atau apa saja). Perkataan atau sangka dalam hati, maka terjejas akidah seseorang. Jika dia tidak tahu? Maknanya suatu masalah besar. Tidak semua orang alim dan kadang-kadang alim itu juga terbatas. Masalah ini tidak boleh kita jawab dalam ruangan terbatas ini.
Secara mudah, kita beritahu saja bahawa menjejaskan iman itu tiga perkara iaitu iktikad di hati, dengan perbuatan dan perkataan yang menyalahi akidah � syariah Islam.
Jika kita buat secara sedar tetapi tidak tahu, jangan hendak cuba sama sekali. Saya rasa setiap individu boleh membezakannya, oleh itu setiap anggota masyarakat perlu mengambil tahu. Dalam masyarakat Melayu seperti di kampung, semua penduduk tahu, terutama penghulu dan imam. Kepemimpinan kampung perlu mengambil tahu hal anak buah.
Ini tidak berbeza di bandar. Masing-masing perlu mengambil tahu antara satu sama lain. Kita tidak boleh hidup terpencil. Apabila terperinci dan timbul tanda tanya seperti ini (isu yoga), bertanyalah kepada orang yang tahu.
Dalam isu yoga, sesetengah orang memberi komen berdasarkan lidah tidak bertulang, bukan ilmu pengetahuan. Apakah bahayanya jika ini berlaku?
Kita sudah tahu sekarang, mana yang boleh dan tidak boleh. Jika yoga menimbulkan kontroversi, kita boleh memilih senaman lain. Di Bandar Baru Bangi, suri rumah yang tidak bekerja atau pesara menubuhkan badan berlatih senaman Cina seperti tai chi, watakung dan chikung yang tidak membabitkan unsur agama.
Tetapi yoga mempunyai latar belakang yang dipertikaikan, iaitu kaitan dengan agama Hindu-Buddha yang kita tidak tahu selama ini. Sekarang sudah heboh dan kita tahu perkara sebenar, jadi pilih senaman lain.
Jika senaman biasa, orang kampung setahu saya tidak memerlukan senaman kerana bekerja menggunakan tulang empat kerat, tapi orang bandar semua menggunakan mesin yang menjadikan mereka pemalas. Ramai menjadi buncit dan gemuk.
Ada kemungkinan kritikan terhadap pengharaman yoga mempunyai kaitan dengan perniagaan berkaitan yoga. Akur terhadap fatwa bermakna sedikit sebanyak menjejaskan perniagaan.
Ini adalah antara faktor yang menyebabkan yoga merebak kerana bertujuan untuk mencari keuntungan.
Saya andaikan perniagaan itu (berkaitan yoga) tidak besar. Jika tidak besar, ada lagi perniagaan lain yang boleh diusahakan. Jika sudah membahayakan masyarakat, lebih baik tidak diusahakan. Pada saya, kita mesti tahu dan belajar ilmu yoga untuk dijadikan sempadan. Mengetahui ilmu yoga boleh dianggap sebagai fardu kifayah supaya kita tahu untuk dijadikan sempadan dan bukan untuk diamalkan.
Pengajaran yang boleh dipelajari daripada isu ini?
Adakah kita hendak mendidik orang lain. Pada saya, kita tidak boleh hanya berkata 'jangan.' Jika kita kata 'jangan,' ini gantinya. Sekarang jika rakyat yang mahukan senaman tertarik dengan yoga dan pihak tertentu mendapati yoga mempunyai kaitan dengan agama, cari alternatif lain yang tidak terbabit dengan agama.
Sekarang tuan-tuan, orang Islam saja, ini alternatifnya (merujuk kepada senaman alternatif mengganti yoga). Barangkali pendidikan jasmani saja sudah cukup. Apa yang saya maksudkan, kita boleh mencadangkan kepada pihak berkuasa agama supaya menyediakan alternatif agar tempat yang kosong itu tidak lompang.
Monday, August 11, 2008
To Increase Car Performance.
* Change your computer chip -- sometimes, but certainly not always, you can change a car's performance by changing the ROM chip in the engine control unit (ECU). You usually buy these chips from aftermarket performance dealers. It is valuable to read an independent review of the chip you are contemplating, because some chips are all hype and no performance.
* Let air come in more easily - As a piston moves down in the intake stroke, air resistance can rob power from the engine. Some newer cars are using polished intake manifolds to eliminate air resistance there. Bigger air filters and reduced intake piping can also improve air flow.
* Let exhaust exit more easily - If air resistance or back-pressure makes it hard for exhaust to exit a cylinder, it robs the engine of power. If the exhaust pipe is too small or the muffler has a lot of air resistance then this can cause back-pressure. High-performance exhaust systems use headers, big tail pipes and free-flowing mufflers to eliminate back-pressure in the exhaust system.
* Change the heads and cams -- Many stock engines have one intake valve and one exhaust valve. Buying a new head that has four valves per cylinder will dramatically improve airflow in and out of the engine and this can improve power. Using performance cams can also make a big difference.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Perpetual motion around us none we can replicate.
As we live in this world, God creates everything around us. There are never ending motion ( Perpetual motuon ) which we clearly could recognize. Scientist are dreaming to invent perpetual machine which could lead to perpetual free energy devices. Many to invent but fail because restriction to the law of motion. According to newton first law : Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed Appied to real life nothing can move perpetually the is opposing force to the direction. such as friction and gravity. Let say the spinning tyre, it has friction to the bearing, the friction to the air, and bound by gravititional force. eventually the tyre wiil stop spinning unless there is external force apply to it. The motion of pendulum and many more.
There are perpetual motion in God creation which we can't replicate. the river current down the hill, almost perpetual, unless there are distubance, th cutting of the forest ar else. The wave of the ocean and at the beach, the moon the earth the sun all are orbiting each other but never collide or fall. the moon orbiting the earth without fail, never it will fall to earth, the earth orbiting the sun never it will fall to the sun. What wnt if we want to replicate it. Such as we create satellite orbiting the earth. Normally after a few years the sattelites willl fall to earth unless the ir external forces applied to the satellite, so it will continue orbiting.
We are consuming the perpetual motion of the nature to produce constant energy source. Such as the damn. But we can't create even one river that run on free. without any external energy for the river system. Only God creation is perfect.
May be there is a way to it (the perpetual motion). Such as Bedini motor creation by John Bedini which claim almost perpetual as the system is charging and discharging the battery on the other side, even produce excess energy. By the law of physics it may be wrong or impossible. And some other inventors. The other scientist may doubt the invention by many reason as it oppose to the law of physics, but they have their own followers, they make and test it and it works.
To be continued...
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Th Future Car ... Go Hybrid.
The oil prices keeps jumping. no sign to go down. What Ahmadenejad said would be true and so by Saudi's minister. The market is full of oils, the speculators play the prices. Eventhough Arab Saudi lastly agree to add more barrels per day (about 100 million more barrels) to the market, the oil price did not go down? And keep pace of going up.
Most of the cars depend on petrol and diesel. Oil prices hikes up. so do the petrol prices. It can't resist. There have been attempt by individuals and companies to counter the petrol price such as invention to reduce the fuel consumption. The effective attempt is to introduce hybrid engine. The are natural gas (ngv in malaysia)+ petrol conversion engine. Hirogen+oxygen alog with petrol mixture. Fuel cell (hydrogen cell produce elctric) along with petrol like Honda Civic hybrid or a model of Toyota.
Individual inventors have come up with various invention of producing hydrogen and oxygen extracted from water by using electrolysis technique. The electrolysis is very simple and basic science even high school student can make one. The electrolysis with the car battery and pure water it can produce hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen is combustible and oxygen is very good at supporting combustion. It like the perfect duo. So the mixture of hydrogen, oxygen and petrol into the engine intake should do the perfect combustion, at the meantime reduce the use of petrol and hydrogen itself burn, to make things better, the oxygen helping the combustion producing cleaner exhaust. The positiveeffect to the environment. On the electronic part there should be some twist, to give false record to the ECU so that there is no adding petrol to the engine as it detect more oxygen at the manifold (exhaust part). These information can get easily in the internet.
Small companies are producing these product of fuel comsunption (the hydrogen+oxygen) by eletrolysis process. As the petrol prices going up these fuel comsumption keep pace at rapid rate. Sooner the will be at car company level to introduce hybrid engine to customer to keep loose depend on petrol. There will be various attempt at car company level for hybrid car. And now it keep faster pace. There also be fuel comsumption car, such as smaller car with smaller CC. or sedan car with fuel consumption engine. The hybrid car could not resist to evolve.
Some car companies are spending research for hydrogen cars, with the hydrogen is compressed to the liquid state and stored in the car tank then supply to the engine car. The negative side is the price of producing such system is huge, as to set up hydrogen station. The caontainer and the car will be the time bomb as it keeps highly compressed liquid oxygen. What if accident occur? The safety concern is there, whereas water electrolysis is just hydrogen on demand. The water itself don't burn. it just produce small portion of hydrogen and oxygen on demand and mix with petrol.
Who want to pay more petrol as there are hybrid with fuel comsumption car. Think about it. And eventually car companies will warring on hybrid cars among them. May be there wil be various of hybdrid system.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Market full of oil, price trend "fake": Ahmadinejad
ISFAHAN, Iran (Reuters) - The market is full of oil and the rising price trend is "fake and imposed," Iran's president said on Tuesday, partly blaming a weak U.S. dollar which he said was being pushed lower on purpose.
"At a time when the growth of consumption is lower than the growth of production and the market is full of oil, prices are rising and this trend is completely fake and imposed," President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a televised speech.
"It is very clear that visible and invisible hands are controlling prices in a fake way with political and economic aims," he said when opening a meeting of the OPEC Fund for International Development in the central Iranian city of Isfahan.
Iran, the world's fourth-largest oil exporter, has repeatedly said the market is well-supplied with crude and blames rising prices on speculation, a weak U.S. currency and geopolitical factors.
"As you know the decrease in the dollar's value and the increase in energy prices are two sides of the same coin which are being introduced as factors behind the recent instability," Ahmadinejad said.
Oil steadied on Tuesday after touching a record near $140 the previous day, with traders caught between a weaker dollar and expectations that top exporter Saudi Arabia will ramp up output to its highest rate in decades.
Iran has often said it sees no need for the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to boost output.
Ahmadinejad reiterated his view that oil should be sold in a basket of currencies rather than U.S. dollars, an idea which has failed to win over other OPEC members, except Venezuela.
"The ever-increasing decrease in the dollar's value is one of the world's major problems," he said.
"A combination of the world's valid currencies should become a basis for oil transactions or (OPEC) member countries should determine a new currency for oil transactions," he said.
Iran, embroiled in a standoff with the West over its nuclear program, has for more than two years been increasing its sales of oil for currencies other than the dollar, saying the weak U.S. currency is eroding its purchasing power.
Ahmadinejad, who in the past has called the dollar a "worthless piece of paper," suggested "some big powers" were driving it lower on purpose:
"The planners for some big powers are acting to decrease the dollar's value," he said. "For years they imposed inflation and their own economic problems to other nations by injecting the dollar without any support to the global economy."
Foes since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution, Tehran and Washington are also at odds over Tehran's disputed nuclear activities as well as over policy in Iraq. Iran says its atomic work is peaceful.
(Additional reporting by Zahra Hosseinian in Tehran; Writing by Fredrik Dahl; Editing by William Hardy)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Cooling fan Relay always faulty
Another problem arise, This happen so many times, The relay cooling fan hot and brunt, so i have to scratch the burnt place and connect it back to the connector base. It ok for a while 4-5 weeks then burn again. SO i change the relay. then burnt again. I don't know what is the real problem. Is that the wiring or the relay or the lose connector or the cooling fan itself? Things that i've done change the relay and tghtimg the connection between the base connector and the relay. 2 is left the wiring and the cooling fan not changed yet. I found this Q&A, I think this would help.
Question: 1999 Ford Taurus V6 3.0 mileage: 65,000. When I put the air-conditioner on it works fine until the condenser heats up at which time the clutch slips. The problem is that the fan under the hood does not come on when the air is turned on. What activates this fan to come on when the air is turned on?
Answer: First, check for 12-volts to the fan motor when the air-conditioning is on. Also, check the wiring for damage and poor ground connections. The fan is controlled by an integrated controller. You may need a cooling fan motor.
May be I will try select this option :- change the cooling fan.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Oxygen Sensor -How does it Works?
This is eg. of the burnt O2 sensor.
Every new car, and most cars produced after 1980, have an oxygen sensor. The sensor is part of the emissions control system and feeds data to the engine management computer. The goal of the sensor is to help the engine run as efficiently as possible and also to produce as few emissions as possible.
A gasoline engine burns gasoline in the presence of oxygen (see How Car Engines Work for complete details). It turns out that there is a particular ratio of air and gasoline that is "perfect," and that ratio is 14.7:1 (different fuels have different perfect ratios -- the ratio depends on the amount of hydrogen and carbon found in a given amount of fuel). If there is less air than this perfect ratio, then there will be fuel left over after combustion. This is called a rich mixture. Rich mixtures are bad because the unburned fuel creates pollution. If there is more air than this perfect ratio, then there is excess oxygen. This is called a lean mixture. A lean mixture tends to produce more nitrogen-oxide pollutants, and, in some cases, it can cause poor performance and even engine damage.
The oxygen sensor is positioned in the exhaust pipe and can detect rich and lean mixtures. The mechanism in most sensors involves a chemical reaction that generates a voltage. The engine's computer looks at the voltage to determine if the mixture is rich or lean, and adjusts the amount of fuel entering the engine accordingly.
The reason why the engine needs the oxygen sensor is because the amount of oxygen that the engine can pull in depends on all sorts of things, such as the altitude, the temperature of the air, the temperature of the engine, the barometric pressure, the load on the engine, etc.
When the oxygen sensor fails, the computer can no longer sense the air/fuel ratio, so it ends up guessing. Your car performs poorly and uses more fuel than it needs to.
Why 'Fuel Saver' in your car supposedly 'save th fuel' don't make any differencee?
Fuel saver try to save your fuel consumption, for example the hyrogen producing fuel saver that inject hidrogen+oxygen the the air intake and mix with the petrol to make more combustible engine which in turn make fuel lesser for longer distance. Saves fuel. Less fuel more kilometers.
In my opinion and from what i've read. The ECU or computer seeing this phenomena differently. Whenever external substances added and make the engine leaner with less fuel, the computer keep trying to correct the situation by adding more fuel to make engine idle to at the previous state. Because the computer sees this situation as abnormal and try to correct it. So instead of it saves fuel now it consume more fuel.
So after a long time many claims that the fuel saver don't works anymore. It just funtion well at the beginning, it smoothes the engine when idle for example. it saves fuel but now back to previus state.
After reading some articles in internet, There is a guy which uses the HHO technique as fuel saver. He also introduce a method/technique to fools the O2 sensor. The method is to send the false signal to the O2 sensor that eventhough the hho gas injected to the combustion chamber the engine is fine no demand for more fuel, the engine is normal. So by this way the 'fuel saver works. It saves gas.
The method is to troduce simple electronic circuit to the O2 sensor in the middle before it reach to the ECU/computer box.
More info:
EFIE Circuit
In the past, fuel savers would not work when applied to fuel systems with oxygen sensor feedback circuits. These systems were designed to prevent efficient combustion!
Modern fuel systems use an oxygen sensor to maintain a constant air-fuel ratio of the engine. Increasing the combustion efficiency of the engine increases the percentage of oxygen in the exhaust because the engine uses less fuel for the same volume of air and more oxygen is free because the engine produces less carbon monoxide and oxides of Nitrogen.
The increased oxygen content in the exhaust is read by the computer to be a lean mixture in the engine. As a result, the computer then adds extra fuel to bring the pollution back to normal. In other words, when the computer sees extra oxygen in the exhaust, it sends enough fuel to maintain a 14.7 parts air to 1 part fuel ratio. When the computer sees less oxygen in the exhaust, it backs off on the fuel to maintain a 14.7 to 1 fuel ratio. The EFIE's function is to modify the oxygen sensor's output-signal by adding a floating voltage; so the computer will not see the extra oxygen and fight your fuel saver by adding extra fuel.
May this info might help.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Why My Radiator Water Keeps Dropping?
Common Engine Cooling Problems:
Let's look at the common problems cars have with the cooling system.
Broken tubing. Hoses and tubing wear out and leak coolant fluid. Once the coolant has left the system it can no longer cool the engine and therefore the engine will over heat.
Broken fan belt. The water pump is driven by the engine through a fan belt. If this belt breaks the water pump can not turn and coolant will not be pushed through the car engine. This will also lead to the engine overheating.
Damaged radiator cap. The radiator cap is designed to hold a certain pressure in the coolant system. Most caps hold 8 - 12 PSI. This pressure raises the point in which the coolant will boil and maintains a good, stable system. If your cap does not hold enough pressure, then the car engine could overheat on hot days since the system never becomes pressurised.
Water pump failure. Most commonly you will hear a horrible screeching noise and will be able to see engine coolant leaking from the front of the pump or underneath the car. Often there are early signs of trouble with small spots of coolant under the car after being parked overnight and a strong coolant odor whilst you are driving.
Head gasket. Do you have large amounts of white smoke flowing out of your exhaust? Then you could have a problem with your head gasket. The head gasket seals the cylinder head to the engine block and also seals the coolant passages. When this gasket fails coolant can enter the cylinder and it will be turned to vapor as the engine fires. Head gaskets most often fail after the engine has overheated in the past. When very hot, the cylinder head can warp and prevent the engine head gasket from sealing properly.
My car have water radiator level keep falling after a 3-4 day drive. And need to top up after 3-4 days. In the past i have car breakdown due to cooling fan malfunction. So engine become overheating and make me to stop the car in the middle of the road. After repaired (cooling fan replaced) the water level of my radiator keep falling after few days. I have checked no water leakage and my mechanics also found no leakage.
I think the head gasket is the problem as it suit what happen to my car in the past. And I never replaced the head gasket yet.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Energy Crisis - Alternative Source?
It is time to change. We must explore alternative sources of energy. The Alternative souces will be multiple source. We can't hardly depends on one source as now we depends on oil. I believe no single alternative energy can replace oil. As oil can be produce by mass production in a day depends on in availability and volume at the oil producing countries. So we need multiple sources energy to replace oil to cover our energy demands or need.
What are the alternative energy sources? There are several to name.
1. Solar energy
2. Wind Power
3. Hydro electric
4. Hidrogen fuel cell
5. Geothermal
6. Tides
7. Biofuel or biodiesel to replace diesel
8. etc
What is Inflation?
Answer: To understand inflation, we first must understand what the word means. The Economics Glossary defines Inflation as:
Inflation is an increase in the price of a basket of goods and services that is representative of the economy as a whole.
A similar definition of inflation can be found in Economics by Parkin and Bade:
Inflation is an upward movement in the average level of prices. Its opposite is deflation, a downward movement in the average level of prices. The boundary between inflation and deflation is price stability.
Why Inflation happen?
inflation is caused by a combination of four factors:
1. The supply of money goes up.
2. The supply of other goods goes down.
3. Demand for money goes down.
4. Demand for other goods goes up.
How to control inflation especially individually, you must cut expenses, cut cost, budget your expenses, that helps you save more money than before. But how to overcome the infaltion?
To control and overcome the inflation is 2 different thing. To overcome inflation your must be wealthy. In other word you must much more richer than you are now. When you are rich you don't care much if the price of petrol goes up. Or the grocery prices go up. You still have much money.
So you don't care much about prices because you can afford them, not a burden anymore.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Harga Minyak Malaysia naik?
Bukan kata potong duit elaun tu boleh buat bayar subsidi minyak negara. Memanglah tak logik, tapi supaya menteri2 dapat merasa kenaikan harga minyak ni dgn nyata. Berat sama dipikul ringan sama di jinjing. Kata nak sama2 berjimat cermat so rasalah sendiri harga minyak yang lebih rendah berbanding negara2 lain ni, terutama negara2 miskin. Tak bandingkan dgn Negara Brunai ke?
So sekarang ni macam mana Pak Lah? Pakai cara apa nak tangani harga minyak ni? Ada Plan mesra rakyat tak? Harga minyak ikut harga pasaran dgn 30sen je subsidi? Kalau minyak naik lagi 150usd setong? 170 usd setong? mcm mana? tak cukup rasanya dgn rm 2.70 sen seliter mesti kena naik lagi. 3 ringgit ke 4 ringgit ke seliter tak gitu?
Harga minyak nak turun? Skrg ni harga minyak tgh naik. OPEC tak nak tingkatkan pengeluaran minyak sbb dia cakap bekalan minyak dunia mencukupi, harga sekarang adalah harga spekulasi contohnya sbb ketegangan di asia barat, permintaan tinggi negara Cina dgn India, dan yg baru2 ni ancaman Israel nak serang Iran terun harga minyak melonjak naik. Betul juga .. harga spekulasi. tapi masalah nya harga minyak tak turun tapi terus menaik. OPEC pun terus berkeras.
Mungkin juga nilai dollar yg semakin menyusut. Nilai dollar yg semakin menyusut membuatkan harga minyak semakin mahal. Kuasa beli US semakin rendah dan lemah sbb harga dah jadi mahal. Nilai dollar utk beli setong minyak makin mahal. Penyusutan dollar di sebabkan oleh krisis subprima yg berlarutan dan sebagainya. Tapi USA berusaha utk menyorok kelemahan sendiri dgn menyatakan sbb yg lain kenaikan harga minyak. Seboleh2nya tidak mengaitkan dgn kelembapan ekonomi US.
So harga minyak Malaysia nak naik lagi la ni, bukannya setakat 2.70 sen tapi terus manaik tak gitu?
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Perhentian Island ( Malaysia ) Vacation
My trip to Perhentian Island last weekend is very nice. Perhentian Island is great, good scenary, fresh food, variety of western food and many restaurant and chalet. From low cost to expensive and cosy chalet.
There are many western tourist than local tourist. And many beach boys willing to offer snorkelling trip and taxi from island to island. There are two major Island there, one is small island and second is big Island(Pulau Besar). Big Island is popular for family trip whereas samller island is popular for backpackers or groups trips which are more on outdoor activities such as diving, night life, snorkelling, kayaking and enjoy sun bathing.
Scuba course also available at many places around the Island. And recognise worldwide.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Improve the security of your wireless home network with Windows XP
Wireless networks are a great way to share files, printers, and your Internet connection to any computer in your home. With a wireless network adapter installed on your portable computer, you are no longer tied to your desk. You can communicate with friends, read the news, and surf the Web anywhere you can receive a wireless network signal.
The risks
Wireless networks don't stop at the walls of your home. In fact, wireless networks often extend more than 300 feet from your wireless router. If you live in an apartment, dorm, or condominium, you may have dozens of neighbors who can access your wireless network. If you live in a house, your neighbors and even people on the street may be able to connect to your network.
It's one thing to let a neighbor borrow your lawn mower, but you should think twice about allowing anyone to access your home network. There are several good reasons for this. People who can connect to your wireless network might be able to:
Slow down your Internet performance.
View files on your computers and spread dangerous software.
Monitor the Web sites you visit, read your e-mail and instant messages as they travel across the network, and copy your usernames and passwords.
Send spam or perform illegal activities with your Internet connection.
By setting up security features on your wireless network, you can make it very difficult for uninvited guests to connect.
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How to protect your wireless network
Most wireless networks are completely unprotected when you first set them up. However, in just a few minutes, you can protect your wireless network by using the same method banks use to protect your password when you log on to their Web sites: encryption. Encryption scrambles data on your wireless network so that only computers that have the encryption key can read your communications.
You have several choices for wireless encryption:
64-bit WEP (Wired Equivalent Protection). The original wireless encryption standard, it is now outdated. The main problem with it is that it can be easily "cracked." Cracking a wireless network means defeating the encryption so that you can establish a connection without being invited.
128-bit WEP. An updated, more secure version of the original WEP. However, skilled attackers can still crack 128-bit WEP in a few hours or less, giving them access to your network.
WPA-PSK (also known as WPA-Personal). A more secure alternative to WEP, but because it is newer, it is not as widely supported. Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 supports WPA, so this type of encryption is the best choice if you plan to connect only Windows XP computers to your wireless network. However, if you have wireless devices that don't support WPA, such as media extenders or wireless cameras, you'll have to use WEP on your network instead.
You might also see the security method called "WPA-Enterprise." As the name suggests, this method of network encryption is designed for business use. Setup for WPA-Enterprise is more complex than for other types of encryption, and it requires special network infrastructure.
WPA2. The newest type of wireless encryption, WPA2 provides the highest level of encryption available. WPA2 encryption should be your first choice if your wireless router and all of your wireless computers and devices support it.
Even though one type of encryption may be better than another, any type will dramatically improve your network's security by making you a more difficult target.
Tip: To learn the quickest and easiest way to protect your wireless network, read Set up a wireless network and follow the steps in the sections "Configure your wireless router" and "Connect your computers and devices." The article walks you through the process of configuring your network to use 128-bit WEP.
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Can wireless encryption be "cracked"?
The short answer is, "Yes." Any encryption can be cracked. An individual with knowledge of computers and networking, and who is willing to spend a few hours researching free "hacking" tools, can crack encryption in a few hours (or less). However, most users who want to connect without authorization lack the expertise to crack wireless encryption, even relatively weak 64-bit WEP. In a crowded neighborhood with numerous unprotected networks, anyone looking for a free connection will likely choose the unprotected network rather than spend the time to crack your wireless encryption. Therefore, even WEP encryption offers better protection than not having encryption enabled at all.
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Wireless security tips
Follow these tips to keep your data safe when using wireless networks:
If you use WEP encryption, change your encryption key once a month. If someone manages to learn your key, they will be locked out again when you change it.
Don't connect to unprotected wireless networks—it's possible for someone to monitor your Internet usage and even record your passwords.
If you do connect to an unprotected wireless network, don't visit a Web site that requires a password unless the Web site is encrypted. To find out if it's encrypted, look for a lock symbol in the lower-right corner of your browser.
SSL secured Web site icon
If you use WPA-PSK to encrypt your network, set a long passphrase of at least 20 random characters. Better yet, use the full 63 characters by typing a sentence you can remember—just don't make it something that's easily guessed, like a line from a movie.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Isu MB Terenganu: “Comedy of Error” Yang Memalukan
A Kadir Jasin
[PERINGATAN: Komen menggunakan pengenalan anonymous tidak akan dilayan. Sila gunakanlah nama sebenar atau nama samaran yang sesuai. Ulasan yang mengandungi unsur fitnah, hasutan, perkauman dan bahasa kesat atau lucah tidak akan disiarkan. Ulasan yang terkeluar daripada tajuk tidak akan diberi keutamaan.]
AHMAD Said yang pelantikannya sebagai Menteri Besar Terengganu dianggap “bercanggah dengan perlembagaan” oleh Perdana Menteri, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, hari ini mengangkat sumpah jawatan.
Dia berbuat demikian di hadapan Pemangku Sultan, Tengku Muhammad Ismail Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, di Istana Maziah, Kuala Terengganu.
Beberapa hari lampau, Abdullah dengan lantang berkata tindakan melantik orang lain selain daripada Idris Jusoh sebagai Menteri Besar “adalah bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan” – unconstitutional.
Serentak itu Ahmad Said “dipecat” daripada Umno dan 22 ADUN Umno yang “menyokong’ Abdullah dan “mahukan” Idris mengumumkan pemulauan majlis mengangkat sumpah Ahmad Said sambil mengancam akan meletakkan jawatan.
Sekonyong-konyong, sekitar Rabu lalu, Abdullah mengubah rentak dengan mengumumkan penerimaan pelantikan Ahmad Said. Seolah-olah tidak ada apa yang terjadi, dia mengumumkan isu itu selesai.
Hari ini, turut hadir di hadapan Putera Mahkota Terengganu yang berusia 10 tahun itu adalah 22 ADUN Umno yang sehingga tiga hari lalu enggan menyokong pelantikan Ahmad Said.
Inilah cerita kacau-bilau, kelam-kabut dan kucar-kacir apabila yang diberi mandat dan amanah gagal menggunakan akal, kebijaksanaan, pengetahuan dan budi bicara.
Dengan izin, “comedy of error” ini tidak sepatutnya berlaku kerana pelantikan Menteri Besar bukanlah perkara baru.
Walaupun pada amalannya Perdana Menteri boleh memberi nasihat dan pandangan, kuasa melantik Menteri Besar adalah di tangan Raja. Raja boleh melantik sesiapa sahaja yang pada pandangan Baginda mempunyai keyakinan majoriti anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri.
Akibat tindak-tanduk Perdana Menteri dan para penasihatnya itu, perkara berikut telah berlaku:-
1. Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu lewat ditubuhkan. Ia sepatutnya berlaku pada 10 Mac;
2. Hubungan antara Istana dengan kepemimpinan Umno dan Kerajaan Pusat tercemar;
3. ADUN Umno Terengganu dijadikan bahan percaturan yang merendahkan martabat mereka dan mencetuskan kemarahan rakyat Terengganu;
4. Tidak fasal-fasal mereka dituduh “kurang ajar,” “biadab” dan “derhaka” kepada Raja;
5. Akhirnya mereka terpaksa menelan ludah sendiri kerana terlalu taasub kepada pemimpin walaupun dia ternyata silap; dan
6. Memberi modal percuma kepada pari-parti lawan bagi memesatkan lagi propaganda mengenai keangkuhan, kelemahan dan kecelaruan kepemimpinan Umno.
Bagi Abdullah, seperti kata bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad di Pulau Pinang hari ini, dia bukan sahaja kehilangan Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur malah dia juga “kehilangan” Perlis, Terengganu dan, mungkin juga, Johor di mana calon-calon Menteri Besar pilihannya ditolak oleh Raja-Raja.
Dr Mahathir yang berucap di mesyuarat agung tahunan Persatuan Melayu Tanjung (Permata) meneruskan rayuannya kepada ahli dan pemimpin Umno agar menukar kepemimpinan parti demi menyelamatkan Umno daripada ditolak secara mutlak oleh orang Melayu.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Nobody looking at the patterns in peacock feathers can avoid being amazed at their beauty. One of the latest pieces of research by scientists has revealed that there is an astonishing design at the basis of these patterns.
Chinese scientists have discovered a delicate mechanism of tiny hairs in peacock feathers filtering and reflecting different wavelengths of light. According to a study performed by Fudan University physicist Jian Zi and colleagues, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the feathers' bright colors are produced not by pigments, but by tiny, two-dimensional crystal-like structures. (1)
Zi and his colleagues used powerful electron microscopes to reveal the basis of the colors in the feathers. They examined the barbules of the male green peacock (Pavo rnuticus), in other words the even smaller micro hairs that come off of barbs emerging from the central stem of the feather. Under the microscope, they encountered the lattice design in the black-and-white picture to the right. This consisted of rods made of melanin, a protein, bound together with keratin, another protein. The researchers observed that these two-dimensional structures, each with a width hundreds of times thinner than a human hair, were arranged one behind the other on the micro hairs. Using additional optical examinations and calculations, the scientists examined the spaces between the crystals and their effects. As a result, it was revealed that the dimensions and shapes of these spaces in the lattice led to light being reflected at slightly different angles and thus to a variation in color.
"The male peacock tail contains spectacular beauty because of the brilliant, iridescent, diversified, colorful eye patterns," said Zi, who continued, "when I watched the eye pattern against the sunshine, I was amazed by the stunning beauty of the feathers." (2) Zi stated that until their study, the exact physical mechanism producing the colors in peacock feathers had not been known, and that although the mechanisms they had revealed were simple, they were absolutely ingenious.
Obviously, there is a very specially regulated design in peacock feather patterns. The tiny lattices and spaces between them are of the greatest importance in this design. The adjustment between the spaces is particularly striking. Were these not so arranged as to reflect light at slightly different angles to one another, then this variation in color would not take place.
The greater part of the color in the peacock feather is based upon structural coloration. There is no pigment in those parts of the feather that exhibit structural coloration, and colors reminiscent of those on the surface of a soap bubble are able to emerge. The color of human hair comes from pigment, and no matter how much care a person may take of his or her hair, it is never as shiny and beautiful as a peacock feather.
It has also been stated that this intelligent design in the peacock can be a source of inspiration in industrial design. Andrew Parker, a zoologist and coloration expert at the University of Oxford, who interpreted Zi's findings says that discovering so-called photonic crystals in peacock feathers could allow scientists to adapt the structures for industrial and commercial applications. These crystals could be used to channel light in telecommunications equipment, or to create new tiny computer chips. (3)
It is clear that the peacock has marvelous patterns and a special design, and that thanks to the imitation of this mechanism, maybe in the near future, we shall see objects and accessories covered in the brightest of coatings. Yet how did such a gorgeous, intelligent and inspirational design first emerge? Could the peacock know that the colors in its feathers depended on crystals and the spaces between them? Could the feather have itself brought the feathers on its body into being and later have decided to add a coloring mechanism to them?
Could it then have arranged that mechanism in such a way as to produce those stunning designs? Of course, not.
For example, if we were to encounter marvelous patterns made out of colored stones as we walked beside the edge of a river, and if we also saw that there were eye-like designs arranged like a fan, then we would think that these had been laid out in a conscious manner, and not that they had appeared by chance. It would be evident that these patterns, reflecting an artistic perspective and addressing human aesthetic tastes, had been made by an artist. The same thing applies to peacock feathers. In the same way that pictures and designs reveal the existence of the artists who produced them, the patterns in the peacock feather reveal the existence of the Creator Who made them. There can be no doubt but that it is God Who brought together and arranged the crystal-like structures in the peacock feather and produced such marvelous patterns from them. God reveals His flawless creation in a verse from the Qur'an:
He is God - the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and Earth glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Qur'an, 59:24)
From: harun Yahya
Saturday, March 15, 2008
MY window xp fail to update recently. Before that i have reinstall th windows to my laptop. After that updates always fail. I try to search at microsoft forum about how to fix the problem. And i found 1. Its quite hard to find, so i want to share the info here.
Here it is
Updates are not installed successfully from Windows Update, from Microsoft Update, or by using Automatic Updates after you repair a Windows XP installation
Article ID | : | 943144 |
Last Review | : | October 26, 2007 |
Revision | : | 2.3 |
On This Page
You experience this problem if the following conditions are both true:
• | You try to update a computer that is running Windows XP. |
• | You have repaired the Windows XP installation by using the Windows XP CD. |
• | It replaces all the Windows system files with the corresponding files from the CD. Note This includes the Windows Update files. |
• | It restores the Windows registry. |
• | The Wups2.dll file remains on the computer. |
• | The registry entries that correspond to this file are missing. |
Method 1: Register the Wups2.dll file in Windows
To register the Wups2.dll file in Windows, follow these steps:1. | Stop the Automatic Updates service. To do this, follow these steps:
| ||||
2. | Register the Wups2.dll file. To do this, follow these steps:
| ||||
3. | Start the Automatic Updates service. To do this, type the following command at the command prompt, and then press ENTER: net start wuauserv | ||||
4. | Exit the command prompt. To do this type exit, and then press ENTER. |
Method 2: Download and install the Windows Update Agent
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:1. | Download the appropriate version of the Windows Update Agent to a known location. To do this, visit one of the following Web sites. AgentWindows, x86-based systems ( Windows, x64-based systems ( Windows, Itanium-based systems ( |
2. | Click Start, click Run, click Browse, locate the file that you saved in step 1, and then click Open. |
3. | Add the /wuforce switch to the end of the run command, and then click OK. For example, the run command may appear as the following: C:\WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe /wuforce |
4. | Click Run. |
5. | Follow the steps to complete the wizard. |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell.
What are the unique properties of all stem cells?
Stem cells differ from other kinds of cells in the body. All stem cells—regardless of their source—have three general properties: they are capable of dividing and renewing themselves for long periods; they are unspecialized; and they can give rise to specialized cell types.
Scientists are trying to understand two fundamental properties of stem cells that relate to their long-term self-renewal:
- why can embryonic stem cells proliferate for a year or more in the laboratory without differentiating, but most adult stem cells cannot; and
- what are the factors in living organisms that normally regulate stem cell proliferation and self-renewal?
Discovering the answers to these questions may make it possible to understand how cell proliferation is regulated during normal embryonic development or during the abnormal cell division that leads to cancer. Importantly, such information would enable scientists to grow embryonic and adult stem cells more efficiently in the laboratory.
Stem cells are unspecialized. One of the fundamental properties of a stem cell is that it does not have any tissue-specific structures that allow it to perform specialized functions. A stem cell cannot work with its neighbors to pump blood through the body (like a heart muscle cell); it cannot carry molecules of oxygen through the bloodstream (like a red blood cell); and it cannot fire electrochemical signals to other cells that allow the body to move or speak (like a nerve cell). However, unspecialized stem cells can give rise to specialized cells, including heart muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells.
Stem cells are capable of dividing and renewing themselves for long periods. Unlike muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells—which do not normally replicate themselves—stem cells may replicate many times. When cells replicate themselves many times over it is called proliferation. A starting population of stem cells that proliferates for many months in the laboratory can yield millions of cells. If the resulting cells continue to be unspecialized, like the parent stem cells, the cells are said to be capable of long-term self-renewal.
The specific factors and conditions that allow stem cells to remain unspecialized are of great interest to scientists. It has taken scientists many years of trial and error to learn to grow stem cells in the laboratory without them spontaneously differentiating into specific cell types. For example, it took 20 years to learn how to grow human embryonic stem cells in the laboratory following the development of conditions for growing mouse stem cells. Therefore, an important area of research is understanding the signals in a mature organism that cause a stem cell population to proliferate and remain unspecialized until the cells are needed for repair of a specific tissue. Such information is critical for scientists to be able to grow large numbers of unspecialized stem cells in the laboratory for further experimentation.
Stem cells can give rise to specialized cells. When unspecialized stem cells give rise to specialized cells, the process is called differentiation. Scientists are just beginning to understand the signals inside and outside cells that trigger stem cell differentiation. The internal signals are controlled by a cell's genes, which are interspersed across long strands of DNA, and carry coded instructions for all the structures and functions of a cell. The external signals for cell differentiation include chemicals secreted by other cells, physical contact with neighboring cells, and certain molecules in the microenvironment.
Therefore, many questions about stem cell differentiation remain. For example, are the internal and external signals for cell differentiation similar for all kinds of stem cells? Can specific sets of signals be identified that promote differentiation into specific cell types? Addressing these questions is critical because the answers may lead scientists to find new ways of controlling stem cell differentiation in the laboratory, thereby growing cells or tissues that can be used for specific purposes including cell-based therapies.
Adult stem cells typically generate the cell types of the tissue in which they reside. A blood-forming adult stem cell in the bone marrow, for example, normally gives rise to the many types of blood cells such as red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Until recently, it had been thought that a blood-forming cell in the bone marrow—which is called a hematopoietic stem cell—could not give rise to the cells of a very different tissue, such as nerve cells in the brain. However, a number of experiments over the last several years have raised the possibility that stem cells from one tissue may be able to give rise to cell types of a completely different tissue, a phenomenon known as plasticity. Examples of such plasticity include blood cells becoming neurons, liver cells that can be made to produce insulin, and hematopoietic stem cells that can develop into heart muscle. Therefore, exploring the possibility of using adult stem cells for cell-based therapies has become a very active area of investigation by researchers.
The Promise of Stem Cells
Studying stem cells will help us understand how they transform into the dazzling array of specialized cells that make us what we are. Some of the most serious medical conditions, such as cancer and birth defects, are due to problems that occur somewhere in this process. A better understanding of normal cell development will allow us to understand and perhaps correct the errors that cause these medical conditions.
Another potential application of stem cells is making cells and tissues for medical therapies. Today, donated organs and tissues are often used to replace those that are diseased or destroyed. Unfortunately, the number of people needing a transplant far exceeds the number of organs available for transplantation. Pluripotent stem cells offer the possibility of a renewable source of replacement cells and tissues to treat a myriad of diseases, conditions, and disabilities including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Have human embryonic stem cells successfully treated any human diseases?
Scientists have been able to do experiments with human embryonic stem cells (hESC) only since 1998, when a group led by Dr. James Thomson at the University of Wisconsin developed a technique to isolate and grow the cells. Moreover, Federal funds to support hESC research have been available since only August 9, 2001, when President Bush announced his decision on Federal funding for hESC research. Because many academic researchers rely on Federal funds to support their laboratories, they are just beginning to learn how to grow and use the cells. Thus, although hESC are thought to offer potential cures and therapies for many devastating diseases, research using them is still in its early stages.
Adult stem cells, such as blood-forming stem cells in bone marrow (called hematopoietic stem cells, or HSCs), are currently the only type of stem cell commonly used to treat human diseases. Doctors have been transferring HSCs in bone marrow transplants for over 40 years. More advanced techniques of collecting, or "harvesting," HSCs are now used in order to treat leukemia, lymphoma and several inherited blood disorders.
The clinical potential of adult stem cells has also been demonstrated in the treatment of other human diseases that include diabetes and advanced kidney cancer. However, these newer uses have involved studies with a very limited number of patients.
Participating in Research Studies
Scientists are testing the abilities of adult stem cells to treat certain diseases. You can search for clinical trials using stem cells (or other methods) to treat a specific disease at
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
And on the Day when He shall gather (resurrect) them together, (it will be) as if they had not stayed (in the life of this world and graves) but an hour of a day. They will recognise each other. Ruined indeed will be those who denied the meeting with Allâh, and were not guided. (45)
(56) Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya telah datang kepada kamu Al-Quran yang menjadi nasihat pengajaran dari Tuhan kamu dan yang menjadi penawar bagi penyakit-penyakit batin yang ada di dalam dada kamu dan juga menjadi hidayat petunjuk untuk keselamatan, serta membawa rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman.(57)
O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord (i.e. the Qur'an, enjoining all that is good and forbidding all that is evil), and a healing for that (disease of ignorance, doubt, hypocrisy and differences,) Which is in your breasts, - a guidance and a mercy (explaining lawful and unlawful things) for the believers. (57)
Surah Yunus.