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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Ubuntu vs Truenas Scale for nextcloud

 Both TrueNAS SCALE and Ubuntu are good options for running Nextcloud, but the best choice depends on your needs and environment. Here's a comparison:


✅ Best for: If you already have a TrueNAS SCALE setup and want an easy-to-manage storage solution.

Easy Deployment: Nextcloud can be installed as an app/container via TrueCharts or manually in a Docker container.

ZFS Storage Integration: TrueNAS is built around ZFS, providing excellent data protection and snapshots.

Web UI Management: Easier for non-Linux users with a built-in GUI for app management.

Efficient Storage Usage: If you plan to store large amounts of data, TrueNAS is optimized for this.

Automatic Backups & Snapshots: Built-in ZFS snapshots and backup options.

⚠️ Downsides

Limited customization compared to a full Linux server.

Containerized Nextcloud might have some configuration restrictions.

Fewer community resources for troubleshooting compared to Ubuntu.



✅ Best for: If you need more flexibility, control, and customization over your Nextcloud setup.

Full Control: You can install Nextcloud via LAMP stack, Snap, Docker, or using Nextcloud All-in-One (AIO).

More Community Support: Easier to find guides, fixes, and updates.

Better for Advanced Users: If you want to tweak performance settings, install additional services, or optimize caching.

Supports External Storage Easily: Can integrate with ZFS, Btrfs, or traditional storage solutions.

⚠️ Downsides

Requires manual setup of Apache/Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, Redis, and SSL.

No built-in storage management like TrueNAS (but you can use ZFS separately).

Need to handle backups and updates manually.


Final Recommendation

If you already have a TrueNAS SCALE server, it's easier to run Nextcloud there.

If you want full flexibility and plan to run Nextcloud as a central part of your system, Ubuntu is a better choice.

For a balance of both, you could install Ubuntu as a VM on TrueNAS SCALE and set up Nextcloud inside it. That way, you get the power of ZFS storage with full control over Nextcloud.

Installing Ubuntu as a VM on TrueNAS SCALE is a great way to have full control over Nextcloud while benefiting from TrueNAS's powerful ZFS storage. Here’s a step-by-step guide:


Step 1: Prepare TrueNAS SCALE for VM Creation

1. Log in to TrueNAS SCALE via your web browser.

2. Go to "Virtualization" → Click "Add"

3. Ensure Virtualization is Enabled in TrueNAS SCALE settings if needed.


Step 2: Download Ubuntu ISO

1. Visit: Ubuntu Official Site

2. Download the Ubuntu Server ISO (recommended for a lightweight installation).

3. Upload the ISO to TrueNAS:

Go to "Storage" → "Datasets" → Create a Dataset for ISOs.

Go to "Virtualization" → "ISO Images" → "Upload"

Select and upload the downloaded Ubuntu ISO.


Step 3: Create a VM in TrueNAS SCALE

1. Go to "Virtualization" → Click "Add"

2. Enter VM Name (e.g., Ubuntu-Nextcloud).

3. Set Resources:

CPU: At least 2 cores (4+ recommended).

RAM: 4GB minimum, 8GB+ recommended for Nextcloud.

Boot Method: UEFI.

4. Select Install Media:

Choose the Ubuntu ISO you uploaded earlier.

5. Create Storage (Virtual Disk):

Add a virtual disk (e.g., 50GB+ for Ubuntu, more if needed for Nextcloud).

Set it to VirtIO for better performance.

6. Networking:

Set NIC Type to VirtIO (recommended for better performance).

Ensure it connects to your network (e.g., Bridged Mode to get an IP on your LAN).

7. Confirm and Start the VM.


Step 4: Install Ubuntu

1. Open the VM console in TrueNAS and start the VM.

2. Follow the Ubuntu installation steps:

Select Language & Keyboard.

Choose "Install Ubuntu Server".

Select disk (use the entire virtual disk).

Configure a username/password.

Enable OpenSSH Server (optional, but recommended).

Let the installation complete.

3. Reboot the VM after installation and remove the ISO from boot options.


Step 5: Install Nextcloud on Ubuntu VM

Once Ubuntu is installed, you can set up Nextcloud using one of these methods:

1. Manual Install (LAMP Stack)

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

sudo apt install apache2 mariadb-server php php-cli php-mysql php-gd php-curl php-mbstring php-xml php-zip unzip -y

Then install Nextcloud manually (Guide).

2. Nextcloud AIO (All-in-One, Docker-Based)

sudo apt install -y

sudo docker run -d --name nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer --restart always -p 8080:8080 -v nextcloud_aio:/mnt/docker_aio nextcloud/all-in-one:latest

Then visit http://<your-vm-ip>:8080 to configure.

3. Nextcloud Snap (Easy Install)

sudo snap install nextcloud

(Easiest but less flexible).


Final Steps

Set up external storage in Nextcloud (e.g., mount a TrueNAS dataset).

Enable SSL (Let's Encrypt or self-signed) for security.

Configure backups (TrueNAS snapshots, Nextcloud backup plugins).

Now, your Nextcloud on Ubuntu VM in TrueNAS SCALE is ready! Let me know if you need more details.

Control 5 stpper motors with arduino - chatgpt


Certainly! Below is an Arduino program that sequentially rotates five stepper motors with a specified speed and stops before repeating. The program uses the AccelStepper library to control stepper motors smoothly.

Hardware Requirements:

  • Arduino board (e.g., Uno, Mega)
  • 5 stepper motors (e.g., NEMA 17)
  • 5 stepper drivers (e.g., A4988, DRV8825)
  • Power supply compatible with motors
  • Connecting wires

Connections (for each motor using A4988/DRV8825 driver):

  • STEP → Any digital pin on Arduino
  • DIR → Any digital pin on Arduino
  • ENABLE → Connect to GND to enable (or control via another pin if needed)
  • VCC & GND → Power supply

Arduino Code:

#include <AccelStepper.h>

// Define stepper motor connections and interface type
#define DRIVER 1 // Use 1 for driver mode (A4988, DRV8825)

// Define stepper motor objects (Stepper Motor pin configuration)
AccelStepper stepper1(DRIVER, 2, 5);  // (STEP, DIR)
AccelStepper stepper2(DRIVER, 3, 6);
AccelStepper stepper3(DRIVER, 4, 7);
AccelStepper stepper4(DRIVER, 8, 9);
AccelStepper stepper5(DRIVER, 10, 11);

// Motor parameters
const int stepsPerRevolution = 200; // Adjust based on stepper motor specification
const int speed = 200;  // Speed in steps per second
const int acceleration = 100; // Acceleration in steps per second^2
const int rotationSteps = 2 * stepsPerRevolution; // Rotating 2 full revolutions
const int delayBetweenMotors = 1000; // Delay between each motor's activation (ms)

void setup() {
  // Configure each stepper motor





void loop() {
  // Sequentially rotate each motor
  runStepper(stepper1, "Motor 1");
  runStepper(stepper2, "Motor 2");
  runStepper(stepper3, "Motor 3");
  runStepper(stepper4, "Motor 4");
  runStepper(stepper5, "Motor 5");

  // Pause before repeating
  Serial.println("Cycle Complete. Restarting...");

void runStepper(AccelStepper &motor, const char *name) {
  Serial.println(String(name) + " Running...");
  motor.move(rotationSteps); // Move forward
  while (motor.distanceToGo() != 0) {;

  delay(500); // Pause before reversing

  motor.move(-rotationSteps); // Move backward
  while (motor.distanceToGo() != 0) {;

  Serial.println(String(name) + " Completed.");

How it Works:

  1. Each stepper motor rotates 2 revolutions forward and then 2 backward sequentially.
  2. There is a 1-second delay between each motor’s operation.
  3. After all motors have completed their motion, the cycle repeats after a 3-second pause.

Additional Customization:

  • Change rotationSteps for different rotation amounts.
  • Adjust speed and acceleration for smoother motion.
  • Modify delayBetweenMotors to control the sequence timing.

Let me know if you need modifications!

Arduino program to run 5 motors -Deepseek

 Here's an Arduino program that controls 5 stepper motors sequentially using the AccelStepper library. This assumes you're using stepper motor drivers like A4988 or DRV8825:


#include <AccelStepper.h>

// Define motor connections

#define MOTOR1_STEP_PIN 2

#define MOTOR1_DIR_PIN 3

#define MOTOR2_STEP_PIN 4

#define MOTOR2_DIR_PIN 5

#define MOTOR3_STEP_PIN 6

#define MOTOR3_DIR_PIN 7

#define MOTOR4_STEP_PIN 8

#define MOTOR4_DIR_PIN 9

#define MOTOR5_STEP_PIN 10

#define MOTOR5_DIR_PIN 11

// Define steps per revolution (adjust according to your motor and microstepping settings)

const int stepsPerRevolution = 200;  // 1.8° stepper = 200 steps/rev

// Initialize motors

AccelStepper motor1(AccelStepper::DRIVER, MOTOR1_STEP_PIN, MOTOR1_DIR_PIN);

AccelStepper motor2(AccelStepper::DRIVER, MOTOR2_STEP_PIN, MOTOR2_DIR_PIN);

AccelStepper motor3(AccelStepper::DRIVER, MOTOR3_STEP_PIN, MOTOR3_DIR_PIN);

AccelStepper motor4(AccelStepper::DRIVER, MOTOR4_STEP_PIN, MOTOR4_DIR_PIN);

AccelStepper motor5(AccelStepper::DRIVER, MOTOR5_STEP_PIN, MOTOR5_DIR_PIN);

// Motor speed (steps per second)

float speeds[] = {300.0, 300.0, 300.0, 300.0, 300.0};  // Adjust speeds as needed

// Timing parameters

const unsigned long pauseBetweenMotors = 1000;  // ms

const unsigned long stopDuration = 5000;        // ms

void setup() {



  // Configure each motor

  configureMotor(motor1, speeds[0]);

  configureMotor(motor2, speeds[1]);

  configureMotor(motor3, speeds[2]);

  configureMotor(motor4, speeds[3]);

  configureMotor(motor5, speeds[4]);


void configureMotor(AccelStepper &motor, float speed) {



  motor.setAcceleration(500);  // Adjust acceleration as needed


void loop() {

  // Move motors sequentially

  moveMotor(motor1, 1);

  moveMotor(motor2, 2);

  moveMotor(motor3, 3);

  moveMotor(motor4, 4);

  moveMotor(motor5, 5);

  // Stop all motors and wait before repeating



void moveMotor(AccelStepper &motor, int motorNumber) {

  Serial.print("Moving motor ");



  // Set target position for one full revolution

  motor.moveTo(motor.currentPosition() + stepsPerRevolution);


  // Run motor to target position

  while(motor.distanceToGo() != 0) {;



  // Optional: Return to original position

  // motor.moveTo(motor.currentPosition() - stepsPerRevolution);

  // while(motor.distanceToGo() != 0) {


  // }




Key features:

1. Uses AccelStepper library for smooth motor control

2. Controls 5 motors sequentially

3. Configurable speeds and acceleration

4. Each motor completes one full revolution

5. Pause between motor movements

6. Stop duration after sequence

To use this code:

1. Install the AccelStepper library (via Arduino Library Manager)

2. Connect your stepper motors to the Arduino using motor drivers

3. Adjust the parameters:

   - `stepsPerRevolution` according to your motor's specifications

   - `speeds[]` array for individual motor speeds

   - `pauseBetweenMotors` and `stopDuration`

   - Pin definitions according to your wiring

Typical connections for each motor:

- STEP pin to Arduino digital pin

- DIR pin to Arduino digital pin

- Enable pin (optional) to Arduino pin if needed

- Motor driver power connections to appropriate power supply

For different movement patterns, you can modify:

- The number of steps in `stepsPerRevolution`

- Movement direction by changing the sign of steps (`+steps` or `-steps`)

- Add acceleration profiles using `setAcceleration()`

- Implement different movement patterns in the `loop()`

Remember to:

1. Provide adequate power supply for your motors

2. Enable microstepping on drivers if needed

3. Set appropriate current limits on motor drivers

4. Add decoupling capacitors if experiencing power issues

5. Include emergency stop functionality if needed

This code can be paired with the Android code from the previous answer via serial communication (USB or Bluetooth) for full mobile control.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Controlling 5 stepper motors with android

 Here's an example Android Kotlin implementation using coroutines to control 5 stepper motors sequentially. This assumes you have a hardware interface (like Arduino via USB/UART or Bluetooth):


import android.os.Bundle



import kotlinx.coroutines.*

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private var isRunning = false

    private val motorCount = 5

    private val job = Job()

    private val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main + job)

    // Customize these delays as needed (in milliseconds)

    private val moveDuration = 2000L

    private val pauseBetweenMotors = 1000L

    private val stopDuration = 5000L

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {



        btnStart.setOnClickListener { startSequence() }

        btnStop.setOnClickListener { stopSequence() }


    private fun startSequence() {

        isRunning = true

        scope.launch {

            while (isRunning) {

                for (motor in 1..motorCount) {

                    if (!isRunning) break


                    controlMotor(motor, moveDuration)



                if (isRunning) delay(stopDuration)




    private suspend fun controlMotor(motorNumber: Int, duration: Long) {

        // Replace with actual hardware control code

        updateStatus("Moving motor $motorNumber")

        sendCommandToMotor(motorNumber, duration)

        delay(duration) // Simulate movement time


    private fun stopSequence() {

        isRunning = false



        // Send stop command to all motors

        for (motor in 1..motorCount) {




    // Replace with actual hardware communication code

    private fun sendCommandToMotor(motorNumber: Int, duration: Long) {

        // Example command format: "M1:2000" (Motor 1, 2000ms)

        val command = "M$motorNumber:$duration"

        // Send via Bluetooth/UART/USB to microcontroller


    private fun sendStopCommand(motorNumber: Int) {

        // Example command: "M1:STOP"

        val command = "M$motorNumber:STOP"

        // Send via Bluetooth/UART/USB to microcontroller


    private fun updateStatus(text: String) {

        runOnUiThread { txtStatus.text = text }


    override fun onDestroy() {






Corresponding XML layout (res/layout/activity_main.xml):


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>











        android:text="Start Sequence"/>





        android:text="Stop Sequence"/>





        android:text="Status: Idle"




Key features:

1. Uses Kotlin coroutines for asynchronous control

2. Sequence: Motor 1 → Motor 2 → ... → Motor 5 → Stop → Repeat

3. Configurable timing parameters

4. Start/Stop controls

5. Status display

To make this work with real hardware:

1. Implement `sendCommandToMotor()` and `sendStopCommand()` with actual hardware communication

2. Add proper error handling

3. Add USB/Bluetooth permissions in AndroidManifest.xml

4. Implement USB/Bluetooth connection management

5. Add proper exception handling for hardware communication

Required permissions (AndroidManifest.xml):


<!-- For USB -->

<uses-feature android:name="" />

<!-- For Bluetooth -->

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />


This is a template that needs to be adapted to your specific hardware interface. The actual motor control implementation will depend on your motor drivers and communication protocol.

The optimum Hardware to install Truenas Scale

 To run or install TrueNAS Scale efficiently, you need hardware that meets or exceeds the following recommended specifications. TrueNAS Scale is designed to be flexible and can run on a variety of hardware, but for optimal performance, especially in production environments, you should consider the following:

### Minimum Hardware Requirements:

- **CPU**: 64-bit multi-core processor (Intel or AMD)

- **RAM**: 8 GB (for basic setups, but more is recommended for better performance)

- **Boot Drive**: 16 GB SSD or USB drive (SSD is highly recommended for reliability)

- **Storage Drives**: At least one additional drive for data storage (HDD or SSD)

- **Network**: Gigabit Ethernet (1 GbE) or faster for better network performance

### Recommended Hardware for Optimal Performance:

- **CPU**: Intel Xeon, AMD Ryzen, or EPYC processors with multiple cores/threads (8 cores or more for heavy workloads)

- **RAM**: 16 GB or more (1 GB of RAM per 1 TB of storage is a good rule of thumb for ZFS)

- **Boot Drive**: 32 GB SSD (mirrored boot drives for redundancy)

- **Storage Drives**: Multiple drives in a RAID configuration (ZFS prefers multiple drives for redundancy and performance)

  - HDDs for large storage capacity

  - SSDs for faster performance (especially for caching or metadata)

- **Network**: 10 GbE or faster for high-speed data transfer (especially in multi-user or enterprise environments)

- **HBA (Host Bus Adapter)**: A dedicated HBA card (e.g., LSI SAS cards) for better drive connectivity and performance

- **Power Supply**: Redundant power supplies for reliability in enterprise environments

### Additional Considerations:

- **ECC RAM**: Error-Correcting Code (ECC) RAM is highly recommended for ZFS to prevent data corruption.

- **Drive Configuration**: Use RAID-Z (Z1, Z2, or Z3) or mirrored vdevs for redundancy and performance.

- **Cache Drives**: Optional L2ARC (SSD cache) and SLOG (ZIL) devices can improve performance for specific workloads.

- **GPU**: Not required for basic NAS functionality, but useful if you plan to use TrueNAS Scale for applications like Plex transcoding or virtualization.

### Virtualization:

If you plan to run TrueNAS Scale as a virtual machine (VM), ensure your hypervisor supports PCIe passthrough for HBA cards and provides adequate resources (CPU, RAM, and storage).

### Notes:

- TrueNAS Scale is based on Debian Linux and supports Kubernetes for containerized applications, so hardware requirements may increase if you plan to run many apps or VMs.

- Always check the official [TrueNAS Hardware Guide]( for the latest recommendations and compatibility.

By meeting or exceeding these recommendations, you can ensure a smooth and efficient TrueNAS Scale experience.